Hi From Virginia

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Oct 12, 2008
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I just returned to the USA after living in Switzerland for the past 6 years. I made many trips to Italy where I fell in love with their wine, particularly Amarone! I started my own winemaking 5 months ago when I bought a kit from my local store. I was on the web one evening back in October and came upon George's site and to this date, I have never gone back to my local store. I currently have 6 batches aging...5 of which I ordered from George.
This forum is fantastic!!! Glad to be onboard with you guys and gals.

Welcome Gary. We are all glad to have you here in your voyage through winemaking. Be sure to share your experiences with others and ask questions when you have them.
Welcome Gary....Hope you enjoy your stay here....please share your experiences....what kind of wines do you have going..
Bert, I have going

MM All Juice-Pinot Noir, Valpolicella, Shiraz
Spagnols - Cab Sauv
MM Megiloli - Amarone and Pinot Grigio

All of which I plan to bulk age for a minimum of 1 year.
Welcome...Nice to have you here....

Glad you brought your patience with you...we can all learn that from you.
That is a very nice line up of wines...It will take some patiences to wait on these wines to mature....Good Luck and have fun..
Welcome Gary. It is a great site. I like your starting selection. So, what are you drinking while you wait...and wait....and wait?
Welcome to the forum. So if you're back from living in Switzerland, does that make you an ex-expatriot?
Hi Gary, welcome to the Forum. Nice batch of wines you have going!!
Hi Admiral, that is a darn good question about what I will be drinking while waiting. We have some very nice wine stores here in the Richmond area to tempt me.


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