Hey Joan!

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Wade E

Jul 3, 2006
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Hey Joan, Under the "new labels" post is a label of Cherry Wine in which I erased
an autograph in the left corner and never noticed the Pink background
until I posted it here. Do you have the means of blending color back
in. Or anyone else to that matter. Would appreciate a little help with
this one. Next year I'm deffinetly going to get a new program for this!
Edited by: wadewade
Nevermind, NW stepped right up to the plate and hooked me up. Thank you anyway.
Can you specifically cut one object out of a picture without the whole picture?
Sorry I didn't see this post sooner, Wade! I did see your label and I noticed the eraser and thought, "Oooooh, that doesn't look good! I can fix that in about 2 seconds!" Then I thought I wouldn't because I didn't want to look anymore like a butinsky than I already do! =)

NW, I use Photoshop and I love it! It's not easy to learn but when you do, it's great. It can be extremely frustrating along that learning curve! There were times I wanted to throw it and my computer out the window! =) Thanks for picking up the Wade slack!

Hi Wade!
Avery is stand alone. As far as using parts of pictures, I open a pic in Paint, then Cut what I wan tout and paste into new JPEG/Gif/BMP and save. I think using BMP file gives you good clarity for pictures you use. The last couple of labels I messed with, I inserted a nice picture and by right clicking, was given the option to make it the label background. Another neat function is the database function. You create a text field on the label, then create a Excel sheet with a list if names. Then you can link it and print out special labels for different folks. Like "This wine was bottled for "Dave/Grandma......Etc. We have used it for several things, both wine and multiple address labels. It was so easy, even I could figure it out. Well, of to save the world, from my cubicle. I hope this helps.
Thanks. I have Paint and a few other programs but just cant figure out
how to cut out a specific object without having to erase everything
that surrounds it and then I'm still stuck with the background anyway.
If I knew how to cut out just the object I would jump in on the
Christmas Cash. I have the weekend off so I'll play around a little.
Joan you may jump in any time you like. If I dont like it I'll still
appreciate the thought and kindness of trying!
redderthebetter said:
I downloaded and use AVERY design pro for wine labels and pretty much any other labeling I do.   You can insert images and set them as back ground, you can add text in a variety or fonts.  I've used it for all kinds of things.

Thanks redder....I downloaded that program and the instructions...now I have to learn how to use it...I did manage to get 2 labels from my other label program onto this one....so will go from there.The little I have used it, it seems to work much like the Print Master but with more 'bell and whistles'..........Thanks again.
wadewade said:
Thanks. I have Paint and a few other programs but just cant figure out
how to cut out a specific object without having to erase everything
that surrounds it and then I'm still stuck with the background anyway.
If I knew how to cut out just the object I would jump in on the
Christmas Cash. I have the weekend off so I'll play around a little.
Joan you may jump in any time you like. If I dont like it I'll still
appreciate the thought and kindness of trying!

I would also like to know how to cut an object out.

I tried in PAINT with the Free Form-Select, then just choose that part to Copy....but it is pretty rough looking.Edited by: Northern Winos
Yes but then I just start butchering the picture itself. Maybe I just dont have a steary hand.
I need a program that can identify one object from another and can seperate them.
Photoshop does that and more!!! You can put each object on its own layer. Then you can edit each layer and not ruin what's above or below it. Plus you can change how the layers are stacked. My "Christmas Tree" had 89 layers until I flattened it! It's a record for me! =)
My two cents:

erasure tool works great but, You need to really zoom in, like 10x and then you can pickout each pixel along the edge.FYI use your tool drop down menu to reduce your erasure point to 1 or 2 pixels for this process.

Once you have the edge cleaned up zoom out and readjust your erasure point to 10 and have at it.

The only problem I have with that cutting tool is if the "object" you want is say on a white background and there is any white in the "object" touching the background well, ooooops you'll lose it as well. At least that's my expreiance with Paint Shop Pro. If any of you know how to prevent that from happening well, I'm all ears.

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