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Apr 29, 2012
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Anybody ever back sweeten with Torani flavored syrups, or any other pre flavored syrup used in coffee shops or snow cone stands. I need to back sweeten a batch of lemon-berry skeeter pee. I did not add enough berries for flavor I was looking for. I figured they would already have the right flavor to sweet ratio, much better than I could do trial and error. Another issue would be unwanted sediment after bottling or am I over thinking?
I used the Raspberry flavor in one of my mixed fruit wine and man, was that stuff leaning toward the rasp. flavor. That stuff is strong so don't just dump the bottle in. Do as Dan mentioned; add a little and taste. For some that really like raspberry, it may have been perfect, but....
I actually ordered some Peach and Strawberry from Amazon for when I'm ready for both batches. It was $17 for a 3 pack of each. Way more than I'll need, but I haven't been able to find it locally.

I'll make an fpac then add some of that if needed.
I was thinking of making an F-pack, but not sure how much to make. How much is enough for 6 gallon batch? I would hate to do all the work to not have enough or way too much. May end using commercially made syrup or frozen juice concentrate.
When you do backsweeten, it is recommended that you allow to rest for another 7-10 days for several reasons. One of them being you want to check for refermentation (assuming you stabilized) and the addition of sugar component WILL usually cause additional sediment and dead yeast cells to drop, so you can rack one more time before bottling.
I would recommend checking labels of the "coffee" syrups, some are naturally flavored and others are artificially flavored. Caution: their label will indicate they contain a sorbate + will still want to stabilize your entire batch because the amount in that bottle of syrup is "for the bottle of syrup".

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