Mosti Mondiale HELP!!! Alljuice Concern

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Senior Member
Jul 11, 2008
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Iowa, USA
I started my first MM Alljuice kit on Friday. Everything went normally that evening, but when I went to stir it the next morning, there was over an inch of foam on the top of the must. I've seen this before when I've made wine from real grapes, so it really didn't concern me too much. I'm using a 6.6 gal primary (it's all I've got). So the foam was almost to the lid.

When we got home from dinner last night, the foam had started seeping out between the bucket and lid. Not a lot, but enough that I had to clean up the side of the bucket (outside). I then decided to lock down the lid with an airlock, instead of just sitting it on top of the bucket.

A few hours later, some foam was working it's way through the airlock. After rereading the how to on this site, I decided to keep the lid snapped down, but took the air lock out of the lid and placed a towel over the hole in the lid. That way there was less of a mess.

This morning, there was about a half-dollar sized circle of blue on the towel. When I opened the lid to stir the must, there was no foam on the must. There were a couple groups of little bubbles, but I could see the juice this morning. After stirring, there was a thin layer of bubbles so I put the airlock back on, hoping not to have another mess. After a minute or two the airlock started bubbling away, which tells me it is still fermenting.

I think everything is ok (I just need to get a 7.9 gal bucket from George next time), but wanted to check from everyone here.

1. I know a 7.9 gal bucket is recommended here, but in the MM instructions, it says use a 6.6 - 8 gal bucket. Is the amount of foam normal with the MM Alljuice Kits?

2. There is foam "residue" (best way I can think to describe it) all over the lid and sides (inside of bucket). Should I try to clean that stuff off or leave it? I don't think it will harm the wine, but just checking.

3. I used oxy-clean to clean everything, but rinsed everything throughly. Then sanitized with k-meta solution. Could I have missed some oxy-clean? I smelled and tasted the wine and I did not smell or taste anything soapy or like oxy-clean this morning.

Side note: I also started a Green Apple Riesling from WE on Friday as well. Cleaned and sanitized the same way. I have not had any problems with it.

Thanks for the help!!!!
Everything you describe here is perfectly normal and nothing tho worry about. The amount and activity of foam is dependant on the kind of wine used for the kit. It sounds like yours is a type that has low foaming. Some kits will have 4 inches or even more of foam. That's why it is a good idea to get a 7.9 gallon primary bucket.

I would just rinse off the lid to get rid of the foam. The longer it sticks to it the harder it is to get rid of it. I wouldn't even sanitize it after rinsing good(as long as your water isn't straight from the pond the cows drink in-you get the idea).

You don't say which alljuice it is....... Keep us posted on your progress.
Thanks appleman!

I figured all was okay, but wanted some reassurance.

It is the Original AllJuice Pinot Nior. I'm really excited about this kit. My wife got it for me for my birthday. I'll try to update this post as things go along.
I think thats the same kit Appleman was raving about a month ago. Everything sounds fine and like appleman said, some wines whether it be fruit or grapes will foam up and some dont and thats why you should have a 7.9 or 10 as you just will never know. I say 10 because the grape skin kits really push a 7.9 gallon primary beyond its limit.
I have an AllJuice Pinot Noir I haven't started yet! Thanks for the warnings, Ithink!
I hope to start it by this weekend. We will have to compare notes!

First. I was looking over some older post I found that I was looking at my bucket size wrong. The bucket I have is 6.5 Imp. Gallons. I saw in a post that there are 1.2 Gallons is an Imp. Gallon. So the bucket I have IS a 7.9 Gallon bucket.

Second. I've checked the wine a couple times today and there is no more foam. I can see tiny bubbles popping on the top of the wine, but no more major foam.

Third. Here are some measurements:

Yeterday around the 24 HR mark, SG was 1.084
Today the around the 48 HR mark, SG is at 1.062

I cleaned and sanitized my Carboy this afternoon and put some Sanitizing solution in the bottom of it and put the airlock on. That way once the SG is between 1.040-1.050 I can save that step in prepping to rack the wine. Even if the Fermentation slows, it appears it might it might be ready to rack tomorrow. We'll see.

Edited by: ithink2020
It sounds like it's doing what it's supposed to! As soon as I can move my sour cherry out of my primary, the Pinot Noir goes in!
Just a reminder...Don't forget to empty the carboy before you rack.....things sound like they are moving right along for you...that should be a very nice wine...
Looks like I'll be racking the Pinot in to the 2nd tonight. I took the SG when I was stirring it this morning. It was right at 1.050. I'll take another reading this evening, just to make sure it is between 1.040 and 1.050.

I also tasted it this morning. Tastes like fermenting wine, but it has a really great fruity flavor behind everything. I can't wait to taste it after it has been on the oak.
You might be able to give it an extra day to get closer to the 1.040. If it is too high and too active(even without foam) it can crate a lot of head and pressure and rise out the airlock in the secondary. Make sure you keep the level down to about the shoulder of the carboy to avoid overflows. To do that you will probably need to put some extra in another jug- like a 1.5 liter wine bottle or gallon jug- either fitted with an airlock. I personally wouldn't rush it to the secondary. When I made mine I let it go a week and it was down to 1.010 when I racked it. It turned out wonderful.

Edit: I would also double check the instruction sheet to see when they have you rack it the first time. My instructions listed it much later than 1.050 so I looked it up on the site and it says 1.020 there also. They have created some new instructions for some so it is possible it reads that, but I would double check. I also says after about 6 days.Edited by: appleman
I was planing on filling a gallon jug about 2/3rds full (with 3 grams of oak in the gallon jug), then putting the rest into the carboy. Or should I fill the Carboy to the sholder first, then put the rest in the gallon jug?

I double checked the instructions last night, because I saw others here mention they were to rack the Pinot at 1.020. But mine does say to rack between 1.040-1.050.

It is currently dropping about .010 every 8 hours. If it continues at that rate, it should be around 1.040 when I get home from work tonight. If it is not close to 1.040, I'll wait an extra couple days, as I will not be able to rack tomorrow.
Maybe George would know for sure after his trip to Montreal at Mosti. I would wait the extra couple days myself since I made this kit already and it did turn out great. I don't think it really matters which you fill first.
Appleman, you've convinced me. I'm going to wait until the SG is down to 1.010 before I rack.

When did you start yours? How did it turn out? How long did you bulk age? How long from pitching in the yeast to ready to drink?

I'm planning on bulk aging it at least the recommended 4 months. I'm not planning on opening the bottles until July '09. Okay, maybe I'll open one or two bottles along the way to see how it progresses.
This was started July 22, 2007. It turned out unbelievably good and just continues to develop. I'm trying not too drink much, BUT IT IS HARD! I bulk aged until bottling on December 9. I tried a bit at bottling and have been opening one a month for the first couple months and now I am trying for one every two months. It was great from the first bottle, but I feel one year to it's best.
Cool. Did you add extra sulfite during the aging? If so, how much? The instructions mention to add some, but don't say how much.

I was thinking 6 campden tablets (1 per gallon)...does that sound right? Also, would that be enough for the entire 4 months of aging?

By the way, thanks for taking the time to answer my questions!

update: Also, did you do any extra oaking?

Edited by: ithink2020
I didn't make any extra rackings during bulk aging so I didn't add any extra until bottling. I use powdered k-meta and use 1/4 teaspoon per 6 gallons- equal to 6 campdens. I find that the campdens don't always dissolve completely and I end up with flakes in unfilterd wine. I did not add any extra oak with this kit- just what came with it.
Quick update:

Checked the SG again last night and it was at 1.042.

Still waiting to rack until it is down to 1.010.
I know Mosti changed instructions to rack sooner. It helps prevent stuck ferments and off smells in the wine. You can probably transfer now since you are around 1.040 or lower by now- no need to wait until 1.010. For me it coincided with day six and at the time the instructions were for that. Just make sure to transfer as much of the lees as you can at that time. I was saying that 1.050 was a bit high and letting you know that I had gone down to 1.010 without problems. Since you are making Most's product, you should follow their instructions for best results.

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