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Jun 11, 2010
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hi, my name is carl I have been making for about 20 years. the last 3 years I started making wine in may with the grapes from chili and the wine is very very good. I started at 50 gallons and now with the addition of 5 more people we make about 300 gallons. now that I can make wine twice a year I am completly obsesed.
I am 4 blocks away from brotherhood winery
I have a bottle in their Museum. It is from 1972 a May wine My dad had a special label on. When you go look for a bottle with a box it came in and on the neck says "made expressly for WJH. If you can take a pix and post that would be great.
I have a bottle in their Museum. It is from 1972 a May wine My dad had a special label on. When you go look for a bottle with a box it came in and on the neck says "made expressly for WJH. If you can take a pix and post that would be great. You near Brotherhood Winery? Hello and welcome. Good to have you with us.