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May 26, 2011
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I am from Minnesota and made my first kit last fall. Besides kits I have made an apple, blueberry, & pumpkin (probably never going to drink that one - lots of things floating around in the bottles!). I also currently have a dozen juice combinations in secondary containers. Haven't drank anything but the kit wine to date so I am not sure how much success I have had. I am enjoying the process and thought all was going really well until the "thing" that starting growing in my reisling. On the positive side of that I discovered this forum and think this is going to be amazingly useful.
And after reading some other newbie posts I am very excited to make our old nebulizer into a filter! :db
Amber welcome to the forum. Honestly I do not like to read books much and learned everything I know right from this forum. There are masters and experimenters and thats how we all learned. I can remember groups of us all deciding to experiment with the same wine and doing different things with different results. Then tasting each others to perfect the wine to our own likings next time. Some of these were Candy Cane wine, Apple from fresh cider, Jalapeño and Pumpkin. I did not make any pumpkin. You can do a search for anyone of these to see our results. If you don't like the way the pumpkin is right now, you could dump it all back into a carboy and either filter it or wait for all the sediment to drop out of it. If you do this I would hit it again with k-meta for protection.
I am from Minnesota and made my first kit last fall. Besides kits I have made an apple, blueberry, & pumpkin (probably never going to drink that one - lots of things floating around in the bottles!). I also currently have a dozen juice combinations in secondary containers. Haven't drank anything but the kit wine to date so I am not sure how much success I have had. I am enjoying the process and thought all was going really well until the "thing" that starting growing in my reisling. On the positive side of that I discovered this forum and think this is going to be amazingly useful.
And after reading some other newbie posts I am very excited to make our old nebulizer into a filter! :db


Now it seams you were fast to bottle your pumpkin. Fruit wines need 6 months and multiple rackings.

Remember the 3 "P's"
Amber welcome. We have alot of great people here and a wealth of knowledge. No one knows it all but all of us combined we know a good bit.

I made a pumpkin last year. It's aging for 2 years before tasting. It has a beautiful color and extremely clear. As Tom advises patience everything in time.

Give us more details and we should be able to help you.
Welcome to the forum, Amber. Lot's of information here. Utilize these resources.
Welcome Amber and glad you found our site, dont be afraid to ask any questions you may have.
Welcome Amber watch out so you don't get addicted like the rest of us
I should introduce myself as well. I too am from Minnesota. I though it would be cool to make some wine. I got a Juice wine kit from a loal dealer in April 2011. My first two gallon batches were made from 100% apple juice (Old Orchard) that my LW (Lovely Wife) got on sale plus coupon. The first batch of apple is bulk aging and the second batch is in the secondary. I've tasted the first batch upon racking and it's dry. I'll probably back sweeten it.

I have another 1/2 gallon of apple juice to make into wine when I get an available gallon carboy. After that I'd like to make a kit wine. I do have a 5 gallon carboy waiting to be used that my LW picked up at a garage sale. I just need to find a primary that can hold 6 gallons.
I am working on the patience. Not a natural trait for me! I AM trying very hard!