Heating pad to warm fermenter

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smurfe So I guess in the next year my wife is going to keep it even colder in the house? [img said:
http://www.winemakingtalk.com/forum/images/smilies/smiley19.gif[/img]She will be 45 in October and she already freezes me. I like it about 72 in the house and she keeps it at around 62.

Yup! As my mother put it for so many years, "Go put on a sweater!"
Well PK, I guess your going to have to dehydrate some fruit so that you wont be wasting electricity!
I have my Primary filled with another batch for **Sparkling** Apple wine....got it beside the fridge....seems a steady stream of warm air comes out from under it....Must is just bubbling happily....I don't mind my wines fermenting in the kitchem...has been smelling like fresh bread in there the past couple of days....Yeah...they are kind of in the way, but it's just for a few days...and I can peek in on it...

I'm not fond of pineapple wine, so I could make some pineapple chips!