Greetings! (and a test to check registration)

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Nov 4, 2009
Reaction score
Greetings! Just found out about this forum from Appleman. had issues trying to activate so was told to check.

New to winemaking and vine growing. made kits since last November. Started Gray Wizard Vineyard last November too.

8 Marechal Foch - semi-trailing - top wire
14 Chardonel - semi-upright - bottom wire
1 Traminette - semi-upright - bottom wire
10 Corot Noir - semi-upright - bottom wire
11 Marquette - semi-upright - bottom wire
10 DeChaunac - semi-upright - bottom wire
Total = 54

Table Grapes:
5 Interlaken - semi-upright - bottom wire
4 Reliance - trailing - top wire
3 Lakemont - semi-upright - bottom wire
Total = 12

combined total is 66 vines

using 2 wire system.
already have full cordon arms established. Will prune them to 4' this late Winter/early Spring.

Trying to do this as organically as i can; but not sure how much will be a reality.

New Yorker currently stuck here Northwest of Nashville. Miss the SNOW!!!
Welcome K-9. I'm glad you made it with your registration during the web move. I hope you enjoy your stay here and learn a thing or two as well as share your experiences.
Welcome. Definitely look forward to hearing about your vineyard experiences.
AGGG Snow, its spitting snow here right now but moving back up the forties this weekend. Welcome aboard!
K-9 I am with you!! I am originally from Buffalo and LOVE the snow! Not much here in Atlanta and every time it does snow here (shutting the city down) I am somewhere else!!
Welcome K-9.....Hope you enjoy your stay here.....Looks like you are off to a great start....ENJOY..
Once again - thanks. Not sure hw much I will be around with my schedule. I also have minimal time and input for another forum; but I will try to participate when i can.