"Grape Concentrate"?

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
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Grape concentrate is called for in many recipes you find around the 'net. When you see this, exactly what is called for? Are we merely talking about a Welches frozen concentrate, or something a little fancier?
Most likely something like Alexanders grape concentrates. This is where you add all the ingredients that you would normally get in a kit to the concentrate.
And www.homewinery.com has huge assortment of wine concentrates

But of course, if we are making a concentrate based wine using grocery store frozen concentrate that is different....though those typically say 3-4 cans per gallon.
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I'm referring to Kellers blueberry port recipe, specifically. It calls for back sweetening with grape concentrate.
Boatboy, he is probably talking about Welch's. The other concentrates that everyone is talking about normally is for adding to your must but you could us it for backsweetening. When backsweetening, a lot of winemaker's will use Welch's.
I'm referring to Kellers blueberry port recipe, specifically. It calls for back sweetening with grape concentrate.

I think he is referring to the red grape concentrate that I suggested above.


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