Gave away 4 bottles of pee.

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Apr 29, 2012
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It was a slow day at where I get my haircut Saturday so i had some time to talk to the women that work there. Got on the subject of wine and I pass the comment that I make homemade wine . I told them I will bring them a bottle of wine and they replied sure, a lot of people say they will bring them something but never do. so today I gave them 4 bottles of pee. I told them that to drink it chilled and to make sure I get my bottles back. I also wanted a report on if they like it or not. i will let you know the results later.
I got two reviews so far. They loved it. One said at first when I said "lemon wine" she thought she wasn't going to like it.
Now she would liike to have more. I may have to perculate another batch. Need more bottles returned.
I always tell everyone to whom I give a bottle, "Return the empty and you get more wine." :ib
Of all the wine I have given away, I received the most positive response from a sp. I have given away some wine that I thought was very good but none had responses like the sp did.