Frozen fermentation or Yeast ABV maxed?

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Jan 29, 2019
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I’m currently experimenting with a Burgundy Concentrate. I have a one gallon set up that is just now starting the secondary fermentation. Unfortunately the fermentation seems to have ceased shortly after racking I’m not sure if the fermentation has stalled or if the yeast has maxed out at it’s alcohol limit. This is my first time not starting with a kit.

Starting SG was 1.103 (corrected for temp)

This does not include dried fruit that was added to primary – 4 oz of dried plums - blanched (not sure how much that increases the sg)

SG at racking was .997 (corrected for temp)

Calculated ABV is 13.91%

Yeast was ½ packet Lalvin RC- 212 (max alcohol 14%), yeast nutrient added

Secondary fermentation bubbled the airlock a few times during the first couple of hours, then nothing.

Not sure if should try to jump start fermentation or stabilize it.

Thoughts and suggestions welcome!
Relax, fermentation often appears to stall immediately after the racking, .997 is close so just let it go, no need to add more yeast or nutrients.
Rack, it and start the aging 'clock.'

Remember yeast ABV tolerances assume certain conditions that you may not have in your particular wine must. So if you are anywhere near a yeast tolerance limits it's not surprising that it might quit before reaching that magic .990 point. Anything below 1.000 I would consider finished unless it's still dropping and actively popping the bubbler.
Rack, it and start the aging 'clock.'

Remember yeast ABV tolerances assume certain conditions that you may not have in your particular wine must. So if you are anywhere near a yeast tolerance limits it's not surprising that it might quit before reaching that magic .990 point. Anything below 1.000 I would consider finished unless it's still dropping and actively popping the bubbler.

Appreciate the feedback. Thanks!