Frozen Bananas?

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Junior Member
Sep 13, 2011
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So I'm cleaning out the berry freezer. I have the rhubarb done, raspberry rhubarb, gooseberry and the purple grapes. All that's left is a about 20 lbs of frozen bananas. Any recipes out there for frozen nanas? I've read of using dried. Any thoughts are welcome. Thanx

Regarding Bananas

I've used bananas to sweeten wine. I boil down ripe fruit, strain the solids, and add to must. I added it to my strawberry wine and there is no hint of banana flavor. You could boil, strain, and refreez in gallon jugs. This could be added to future wines. You could also make apple wine... say 4 gallons apple cider to 1 gallon of banana (processed as described). I've not considered banana as a stand alone, but you could do it. Add some raisens and cinnamon sticks.

Just a thought,
banana wine dont come out that great. Use them to add body to your wine. Figure 1# per gal. Simmer them skins and all till you get "soup" then strain and add. Best to add in primary.
If you follow "Jacks" recipe double the # per gal and add sugar to 1.085 NOT adding sugar per rewcipe.
I made straight banana from frozen bananas I accumulated... I won't make it again. Nothing wrong with it... I just don't want banana flavored wine! I've seen some people do a tropical blend with pinieapple, lemon, orange that they liked.

This banana stuff is sounding to be much more involved than I'd like. I'm a simpler person than that. Thanx for the link Paul, I'll check it out. My bananas may turn into bread/loaf just yet.
It's nice to have a few in the freezer to add to wine for mouthfeel.


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