Frosted bottles

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Senior Member
Dec 7, 2008
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Hey everybody,
I don't know if anyone will like this info, I bet most of you already know this, Anyways.... I found this stuff at home depot. It makes your bottles look and feel antiqued. (at least to me)

Check it out....

(before spray below)

After the spray
Because when ever I go into Home Depot or Lowes I get hopelessly lost (sad but true) what is the name of the product.
"specialty frosted glass" by rust-oleum. Less then 5 bucks. Once you spray it, this stuff is there to stay!!!
Thanks, now I have something to play with on Saturday. After, I make my ABC Mead for mead day!
I dont think my pictures do it much justice. These bottles look pretty cool with this done.

I just cut a shrink wrap for wine bottles a little shorter, and put it on top of the bottle while I spray them.
OK.... So these pictures arn't the best... But you can kind of see what it does.

I wonder how long this will last? Does it stand up to a dishwasher or will it begin to come off after washing? Looks good and I have a use for it, but I also don't want a mess when washing my bottles.
Already tried it.... This stuff is on there to stay!!!

You might be able to scrape it off with a razor blade....

It's made for shower doors, ect. ect.

What are you thinking about using it on Montyfox?
Thanks Goodfella, I think I may give her a go on my next batch with clear bottles.
I'm thinking about using it myself on some clear bottles. I have one frosted bottle that a friend gave me and I'd like to make some more to have a complete set. This may do the job.
That looks very cool. My daughter sandblasted a dozen bottles with my 'winery name' for me as a graphics arts project at school, and I bet a bit of frosting would make them look outstanding (not to mention easier for me to find in the empties cartons). Nice tip! Thank you!
This stuff is so cool! Hubby "frosted" a clear, green, and a brown beer bottle. We are letting them dry for a while before we try and scrub them. After that I'll put some labels on, let them sit and then use oxyclean to remove them just to make sure before we go too crazy with this stuff. Thanks again for the tip this is going to be a lot of fun and add a lot of style to the presentation!
Vcasey, do please post pictures if you can - we'll be waiting for the results of your tests!
These are the ones we frosted. It will be tomorrow or Tuesday before I scrub and put the labels on and then I'll let the labels sit on for a while before I try and remove them. So that test result will be a while.


Thanks.... I wasn't sure if anyone would even like that idea. I'm glad you do, Glad to hook up my friends.