My friends who own the little homebrew shop here recently sponsored a wine tasting(they sell wine and liquor also)and saved me 17 cases of empties. Yay! Guess it pays to ask first. And, I didn't even attend the tasting.
Well been knowing these people for 20 some years they own a lil store/gas/liquor store and just recently started carrying homebrew supplies. Theyre too busy to brew themselves. They are talking about an addition to expand their brew supplies and already expressed my interest to be involved. They are the only game in town. They are going to do well. None the less wine tastings are a good source of bottles if you ask first I quess, and I would suppose especially if you attend.
heres my lil shop
Hopefully it pans out and you get a job doing what you really love. i would love to get paid for doing this stuuf at the rate I make now doing what I do, it would be a dream come true although my check would probably be given right bac to them!