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Mar 1, 2009
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Last night I had a very nice and interesting chat with Steve(Vacuumpumpman). He brought up an interesting point about alcohol levels being different at different heights in corboys and tanks. Correct me if I'm wrong but I believe this is called stratification or stratified.

So anyways I asked our winemaker about it today and he said it is only an issue in tanks over 18' tall. He studied/worked for 6 months in Austrilia during harvest time and they actually had huge tanks that would circulate the wine to prevent this from happening. At our level of wine making and most small to medium size wineries would not have to deal with this.
I would imagine with so much fluid the alc would start to seperate and alc is lighetr then everything else.
Yep, kind of like adding water when king a wine kit. If you dont stir it up the water will sit on top and youll get a false SG reading amking you think you need to add sugar.
Jon keep in mind this is in extremely large(tall) tanks you would really see the stratification.

Yeah - I know - always like to know the cause of things. Makes me a better winemaker and if i ever get a tank that tall - i know what to do :h
Jon, I thought you decided fish farming inside your house was not a viable option.

But if you insist, I would definitely go with tall fish. Just thinnin'
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Nice to know

I had no idea that this would happen in taller tanks of course I do not use anything that big. Butt this is defiantly a nice to know thanks
I know this to be absolutly true!

Funny story...

My family consists of two groups, the Hungarians (that reside abroad) and the Americans (That came here in the mid 50s). For years, the two groups within my family have been almost competing with one another in hosting duties.

When it came time to visit the family winery on lake Balaton, we were brought down to the cellar to taste from HUGE vats. These vats must have held over 5000 liters each.

In the spirit of hosting duties, my cousine skimmed samples off of the top inch of wine, which then filled 8oz glasses. It was a simple clink of the glasses, and then he was on the nex vat doing it all over again.

I was STUCK! to pour the wine out onto the cellar's dirt floor would have been an insult. I had not other choice but to "gun it" each time. In all, we tasted 8 different vats.

I was never so drunk in my life. My cousine was all smiles knowing that he got us, but his wife was fit to be tied. All I know is that it was much harder finding my way out of the cellar, than finding my way into the cellar.

I wish I knew exactly how strong that wine was, but I can absolutly state that I was the victim of stratification!

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