RJ Spagnols Floating stuff after fining

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Feb 7, 2012
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My RJS White Chocolate White Port is brilliantly clear but has white stuff floating on the surface. I've degassed and added two-part finings as instructed. I tried racking from under it, but the stuff starts to sink down as I siphon, and I'd lose about a gallon if I only took the clear part. It doesn't seem to be solid so I don't think I can skim it off either. Any ideas on how to clear this up?
Rack it through a fine mesh screen.
One of those kitchen strainers should work.

I have a funnel with a screen insert from making beer. That is perfect for what you need.
I have a large eye dropper I have used to suck some floaters out of the carboy. They I watched to make sure more did not form.
Obviously, it depends on what the floaties are. Could they be undissolved sorbate? I know that I've had that problem.

I was able to get most of it out by racking to a larger carboy. I gave it a few hours to float back up and racked from underneath. That didn't work with the smaller carboy since the stuff was floating in the neck + shoulder, and got disturbed as it moved down to the wider body.

I like that eyedropper idea. I'll give that shot for the rest of it. I did try a mesh strainer but mine wasn't fine enough to catch anything.
Adding a final follow up in case someone else has the same issue...

The floating stuff was white and about a quarter inch thick. It was probably lees that didn't drop. I had degassed in between rackings, and after the final racking I poured the last bit of wine containing the floaters into a smaller bottle. I then moved both the bottle and carboy to a warmer location. The temps went from 70F to 73F. After a few days the floating stuff dropped out of the bottle and both containers are clearing well. I think my issue was a combo of not degassing enough and/or storing too cold. Or it may have just fixed itself with more time.