Fish Farm Vineyard

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Senior Member
Aug 15, 2006
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Here are the beginnings of my vineyard. I have 12 vines, 11 of which are fine and growing and one that isn't looking alive ...yet. I'm being patient however.


Notice the pretty rocks!
These are the three Golden Muscats.


One of three Diamond vines. Hmm...sounds like a good name for a label!


Golden Muscat




My poor pathetic Leon Millot that might not make it.
You must be so excited to start your vineyard. Looks great and show us the progress pictures.

That's looking good...wish you great success in your venture....Keep those photos coming...
I agree. 3 Diamonds is a very good name. Hope your runt vine pulls through for you. Did you just plant these?
Yes, they were delivered May 21st and went right in the ground! They're babies!

As for the label... I was thinking Diamond Wines. It looked like Diamond Mines when I read it. But I like 3 Diamonds too! Thanks for the idea Wade! I have a few years to design it!

Thanks everyone for your kind comments. It means a lot.
Looking good Joan...Might do a "Triple Diamond" label...A slot machine spewing out bottles of wine !!
Just got in and saw this Joan. Those sure didn't take long to leaf out. Don't give up on poor Leon. Keep it watered and it will probably push a bud from below ground. If not, I have a few cuttings started of the Leon Millot and can send you one next spring if that one doesn't take off. If this is one you got from Millers they will go good for it. Normally they only charge shipping for the replacement, but since you are only a little ways away you can drive over. It might not hurt to give them a call next week anyway and see what they say- they may have one left over that hasn't been replanted.

It looks like you got a nice size tiller to work up your rows. They look great. You even got posts and stakes in already. You are right on the ball!

Today was another "training day" here at the vineyard. It was the Frontenacs turn today. They send out about 20 shoots when young and make a forest instead of a nice straight trunk. I took out all but the best cane and it looked like a lawn-mower massacre on the ground when I got done!
I keep telling myself it is for their best interest!

Again nice job Joan.
Weeds, weeds, what are weeds? Ha Ha Ha. They grow really good everywhere! Now if someone can figure out how to make wine out of weeds...... oh wait a minute Joan and others made some this year from those little yellow flowers of spring, and then there is chickweed wine and who knows what else.
Im gonna start a gallon batch of that yellow weed wine probably this
weekend. I picked about a month ago and have had them frozen since.
appleman said:
Joan and others made some this year from those little yellow flowers of spring, and then there is chickweed wine and who knows what else.

I have a bottle of Jack Keller's second place winner, Sand Burr Wine..........

Now if you can make wine out of sand Burrs, You can make wine from anything................

Also have an empty bottle of his Mustang Grape wine.................
appleman said:
I took out all but the best cane and it looked like a lawn-mower massacre on the ground when I got done!
I keep telling myself it is for their best interest!

Apple could u take some pics for us to show how u mowed up
that shoot please?

Nice job Joan
I envy you for your new project, i cant wait to see updates through your pictures!!
NICE!! you did a great job of preparing the ground first, I kinda just did a small hole and throw the plants in, but I'm trying to get better, I haven't planted any grapes, I want to be the Blueberry wine king...
The vines are growing so fast, I already need to add more twist-ties! I watered last evening so they will grow at least 6 inches today! =)