WineXpert First kit questions

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Senior Member
Aug 2, 2006
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Still working on my first kit wine. Couple of things. <?:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:eek:ffice" /><O:p></O:p>
The wine is dry (as I suppose it should be with a SG of less than 1.000). It smells like a piesporter (the kind of kit it is, so that is good).I can feel the alchohol on the sides of my tongue when I taste it. It's very, very cloudy and I still have a some pieces of elderberry in there. <O:p></O:p>
I didn't have a carboy but I did have a secondary fermentor with an airlock soI racked at 1.019 (per kit instructions) on 8/6.I bought andracked to a carboy on 8/14 and SG was .994, yesterday it was .992. My hydrometer only goes to .990. I don't see any bubbles in the airlock but it looks like there is a differnetial pressure (could be temp related, I really don't know) so maybe there is some minor fermenting going on. I have some pretty good head space ('cuz I need some more practice on racking) but the instruction say not to top up until stabilization. Temp is 71 to 73 F and the adjustment is .001, so not much. The readings I take vary slightly each time so .001 is almost in the noise (It doesn't help that my hydrometer has the slightest tilt to it, when it’s not stuck on the edge of the wine thief). So, is it possible my SG will drop below .990 and if so what doI do?<O:p></O:p>
Also, I need help with the auto siphon. I can't keep it going. I guess there is an airleak between the tube and the siphon. Is there a trick to this? I was almost to the point of using a tie warp to cinch the tubing down but since I had already accidentialy stirred the lees and was almost done I deceided to wait to ask how you all handle it.<O:p></O:p>
Finally, when I racked I was a little (lot, see coments about practice and auto siphon above) careless and got a whole bunch of the lees. The instructions said to rack off the lees before degassing, stabilization, fining, and topping up. So, do I let it settle again and rack again before proceeding? This morning there was signifigant lees on the bottom but the wine was still very, very cloudy.

<O:p></O:p>Edited by: Coaster
I too had a problem with an air leak for my autosyphon. It was an easy fix, I just tied a piece of string tight around the racking cane and problem solved.

I just bottled mine and it's very good, very spicey due to the elderflowers. When I racked mine, I ran the hose into a funnel with a screen which removed all the elderflowers. The rest of the must looked pretty much like what you have there for a first racking. I would let it sit as per the instructions then stabilize and clear, I think your fine. The SG probably won't drop anymore than were you are at now, there's nothing left for the yeast to feed off of.
Racking will get easier and better the more you do it.

I have found the tubing is not exactly the size indicated, so using anything to make the seal is fine. You will also discover that over time the tubing will get loose. When that happens, just snip off an inch or 2.

Your kit must not be a Winexpert kit, as they want the sediment as it helps in clarifying.

All this being said your wine looks just right for where you are in the process.
Aye, not a Winexpert kit, but it was a gift. And I plan on starting the Green Apple Riesling and Ice Wine Kits I got from you on Monday this week
. BTW, thank you for a great visit. I was happy to see you were busy and the store was hoppin'. My wife and I had a very nice conversation with your brother and he gave me lots of good tips and advice on the stuff I bought.
As for the SG, why does the SG drop to less than 1.000? I would think all the sugar is gone and there is nothing left for the yeast butthe valuemust be influenced by the alcohol in the wine at that stage?
I am a little slow on the math today and did not realize who started the thread. I am glad my brother was able to spend some time with you, but I am really dissapointed that my time with you was so limited. I just wish every day was that busy at the store. Please feel free to call anytime and hopefully, I will have more time for you on your next visit.

Alcohol weighs less than water, so as the sugar is converted to alcohol the weight of the wine drops below 1.000.