first Batch

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Jan 5, 2015
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Just started my first batch of wine. A variation on Danger Davis's Dragons blood. I used 6 lbs of mixed frozen fruit (strawberry,blueberry cherry mix) 1lbs dried chopped cranberries and 2 bottles of Pom Wonderful juice, enough water and simple syrup to make 6 gal @ 1.09 sg. Its been in the primary 3 days sg is now at 1.06, fermenting seems slow but steady. I used EC-1118 yeast, pectic enzyme and yeast nutrient. Temps were 64 degrees first 2 days but added heating pad and now at 75. Smells wonderful already.....can't wait for the finished product.
Welcome to the forum!

Your DB should come out great. I've now got 5 DB variations under my belt and all came out very good though the peach variation took awhile to mature where as the others could be enjoyed right at bottling.
Thanks for the encouragement. This site is a treasure chest of information. The fruit in my strainer bag seems to be breaking down nicely. My must has a little sizzle going, no foam has developed at all but c02 is being produced. The sg is still at 1.06 for the last 12 hrs.. fermentation seems a little slow to me. Temp is around 70...does ec-1118 like warmer temps, if so how warm is too warm. I added 1 tbs of nutrient and it took off for a few moments.....this patience thing is killing me...
Robust-RN, welcome to the forum and winemaking!

70 is plenty warm for fermentation. You can check the specifics of that yeast here:
Looks like its fine anywhere from 50-86 degrees.

Patience is one of the things I have learned from winemaking. Luckily your DB batch is pretty quick compared to other things like wine from grapes or plums.

2 days at .990 hopefully tomorrow I'll be racking to the Carboy....this is potent stuff...started with sg 1.09, now dry and a lot of the fruitiness that was present at 1.03 is gone. Hopeful it will return somewhat after back sweetening and some time.
Your batch is right on key for yumminess! The speed of DB is a blessing .... You will be enjoying in no time but make sure to put a few aside to see how it matures and most importantly start another batch
Sounds like you're well on your way.

The fruitiness is gone as you say, because of the dryness. Also, young wine can be a little astringent. Once you give it a few weeks after fermentation, then sweeten, the fruit will come back. Even more after you let it sit in the bottle for a month or two.
well I racked my wine into the carboy this morning. I am quiet pleased so far. I degassed added the K meta, sorbate and sparkolloid..... I am afraid the bug has bit me as I am already wondering what is next. I kinda stepped out a little on this first ever batch and made it without any lemon, so far so good. I fermented six gallons and only had a five gallon carboy. What's a guy to do with the extra cloudy wine....well I sweetened it and had a glass.....yumm already! I will be getting a couple of six gallon glass carboys in the near future as the five gallon PET water bottle I'm using now is too flexible and the blue tint will make it had to see how clear the wine is becoming. Its all I had for this first batch.
Curious to hear how your final product is without the lemon ... I was under the impression that it is needed to balance the acid/ph but I am a newb with only 10 batches under my belt so I would love to hear from others if it is a taste thing or needed for acidity. Good luck - love your moxy right out if the gate!
Go ahead and start another batch.


I didn't listen to the wise folks here. DB was my second batch of wine, ever...

My 6 gallon batch didn't last two months once word got out.
You will run out before you know it.

Also, when you bottle, take 5 bottles and hide them somewhere that they won't be touched for a year.
You will thank me.

And welcome to WMT.
Congrats on your first batch. Yeah, the bug bites most of us. :) To @Jericurl's point, what are you making next?

When I made my first batch, I thought, "How will my husband and I ever drink 30 bottles of wine?" Then I made two batches at a time, then three at a time, now four at a time.... You find that there is no limit to what you want to make/test/try...........

Stole a shot of wine from the carboy.....Wine is clearing nicely. I will bottle it in a few days. I think I might try lemon apple banana blend next...I have a masticating juicer that I will run the apples through and then put the pulp and skins in the mesh bag. I want to get some acid testing supplies so I can see what I'm starting with and how that relates to the finished product. Even though this batch seems to have a lot of flavor already it does feel kind of thin. I don't know if this is the "mouth feel" I read about or what.

I think you ladies are right on key with your suggestions to start another batch wife had a sip tonight raised her eyebrows and said this is good...then proceeded to finish the glass...
I think you ladies are right on key with your suggestions to start another batch wife had a sip tonight raised her eyebrows and said this is good...then proceeded to finish the glass...

only the glass??? not the bottle??
I bottled my first batch of wine tonight started on the 5th bottled on the 21.....I can't believe how good it is already. I made it using Dangerdave 's dragons blood procedures but omitted the lemon juice and used 2 bottles of Pom Wonderful pomegranate juice instead. With the pom juice I added 2 quarts of Cranberry pomegranate juice 1 lbs of dried cranberries and six pounds of mixed frozen fruit that included cherries, blueberries and strawberries. Ec-1118 yeast was rehydrate in a starter for 15 mins before being pitched. I left a few bottles dry and back sweetened the rest semi sweet with Torani cherry flavored syrup. I like the tart dry wine best myself but the misses likes it a little sweeter. Thank you everyone who contributes to this forum and those of you that have encouraged me so far


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DB is an off shoot of skeeter pee which is a hard lemonade style of wine. You can google it or look in on this site for the recipe. It is also very good.

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