Okay, I had a bad day! I come home to get a cold beer from the tap and open the door and the temp is 75*!!!!!Censored. I dont know whats wrong and since its the spare fridge I cant afford to have it fixed either but the compressor is working but just blowing hot air in both the freezer and fridge. I open the freezer and everything is thawed out, all my fruits and a few packages of meat also. I had 18 lbs of elderberries in there, 16 lbs of Blackberries, 12lbs of raspberries, and 4 1/2 lbs of mulberries. The last 2 fruits were for f-pacs so I immediately pulled those right out and threw them in a pot and started simmering to get that out of my way. I wasnt sure what I was going to do with the blackberries as of yet as Ididnt really have enough for a batch. Finally I said screw it and threw all the blackberries and elderberries in a fermenting bag along with 3 cups of light malt extract, 9lbs of sugar and the usual suspects and had an sg of 1.110. Tommorow I will add the yeast which will be Pastuer Red. I hope this will be a great wine but just really didnt have time to do anything else as when i opened the freezer a big mess came out which really took some time to clean up as those freezer bags I used were also what I used to pick them and I guess the prickers had done their job as I had a pool of red and purple juice flowing out of that freezer and gotall underneath and everywhere.