Egg peeling magic

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Aug 23, 2007
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This doesn't relate to wine unless you eat eggs with your wine, but I discovered a great egg peeling method and just must share it.
Start with 1 or more hardboiled eggs.
Tap the big end well, and the small end also.
Tap along each of the 4 sides on a chopping block edge.
remove the shell from the big end.
Turn a coffee stirring (teaspoon) upside down.
Slooowly slide the inverted spoon between the shell and the egg
being careful to not cut into the white, and lift out taking about 1/4 of the shell with the spoon.
Then start at the large end again and continue until you are through.
I find that I can peel a hardboiled egg in 1 minute or less this way without the hastle.
Brown eggs are better because you can see what you are doing.

I invented this method myself and just wanted to share it with you'll.

Don't throw away that large mayonnaise or Miracle Whip jar, instead, dump in a can or drained green beans or green peas, close the lid and shake it up, and tata! You now have a salad with free dressing.


Edited by: harryhebert