eDrometer digital hydrometer

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Apr 13, 2014
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I spent a nice portion of my tax return on a new gadget, because I don't like reading standard hydrometers! (call me lazy; I won't be insulted :h) :


Now when I actually *know* something about winemaking, I'll write a product review for this sucker! In the meantime, I need some assistance understanding how close I am to my ideal SG. I'm making an Island Mist kit with a target FG of 0.996

After 10 days in the carboy I'm getting an SG reading (digital) of 1.001 ; so is 0.005 above target a *significant* difference (i.e., do I need to let the wine sit a few more days?)

One more thing: the margin of error for the eDrometer is 0.0015

Thanks in advance!!
Yes, you need to let that kit sit for a few more days. I wouldn't be surprised if the sg dropped to .992. What temperature is the wine? Too cool will slow/stop the fermentation.

Normal hydrometers have an adjustment for temperature. Does the digital have a temp adjustment?

Yes, you need to let that kit sit for a few more days. I wouldn't be surprised if the sg dropped to .992. What temperature is the wine? Too cool will slow/stop the fermentation.

Normal hydrometers have an adjustment for temperature. Does the digital have a temp adjustment?


It's at a constant 75 degrees F, which is the top of the scale in the directions. I'm using a brew belt with a digital temperature controller. Works like a charm.

eDrometer automatically compensates for the temperature of the test sample (one of the nice things about it, considering the freight I paid :slp )

Thanks for the reply -- I'll let it sit a few more days and measure again. Was hoping to add clearing agents and de-gas today, but it can wait.

Greetings, by the way, from Buffalo. Recently spent another weekend in Niagara-on-the-Lake, which is becoming home away from home for me and the wife. Spent a small fortune on wine again, which finally led me to start making my own!


So I go to Buffalo to shop and watch baseball (the Bisons), and you come to N-o-t-L for wine. Interesting.

BTW, I visited NotL for the first time in quite a while on Friday. Reif Wines had a white sale this weekend. I bought 7 bottles. Also stopped at the Niagara College Teaching Brewery for some Cherry Pilsner.

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