Dragons Blood and super-kleer

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Junior Member
Sep 2, 2013
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I am about to start my first batch of dragons blood, a two gallon batch. I have not used a clearing agent before and with some of the research on here, picked up some super-kleer at the store today. Not until i got home i realized that it is for a 5-6 gallon batch. Is there a way i can use this? Maybe half of it? Or should i go another route? Can't wait to get this started! I'm using a quad berry blend by Welches. Thanks...

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Wine Making mobile app
I am in the process of making my first batch of DB, and am using superkleer. I made a 6 gallon batch, so the packet is just right. If you only made 3 gallons, using only 1/2 of each packet should be fine. It is only about $2.50, so you are not throwing away much.
How soon do you need to drink it and how cold is it in your garage?

I have no idea if you can split SuperKleer or not.
I'm guessing that upping your recipe to a full 5 gallons isn't an option?

If you don't need it right away and it gets cold but not freezing in your garage, I would just let it ferment dry, then leave it in the garage for awhile, racking once or twice as the sediment falls out.

I guess you could also add bentonite to your primary, too.
I keep my wine in the basement after the ferment. Its about 60 degrees. I'm not worried about wasting half of it. If i can cut in half i will. I haven't taken that step to doing a 5 or 6 gallon batch...yet. :)

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Wine Making mobile app
Ok.....I know I am very new to winemaking.

And I know you have read all the DB posts that say to make a metric crapton of the stuff.

Manthing doesn't like wine.
At all. He thinks all wine tastes like feet. And some taste like feet and butt (according to him). This whole winemaking adventure was started with the understanding that this was going to be my hobby, etc, he had zero interest in anything related to this hobby.

I made a 6 gallon batch of Dragon's Blood back in September/October.
I only used one bottle of lemon juice and added an extra 5 lbs of strawberries on top of the triple berry blend.
Fast forward to today.
Manthing is in an absolute panic because there are only 4 bottles left of HIS strawberry wine!

If you only make 2 or 3 gallons of it, you will be kicking yourself after your batch ages for about a month. After two months, if you have any left, you will be kicking and cursing yourself. You won't have any left at all after three months.
Seriously...just make a full batch.
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if you cant make a bigger batch y\use the super kleer as is,, it is all going to fall out as lees..it will not stay in the wine.
i have used a packet on 1 2 3 4 5 6 gallon batches..
i now buy in bulk so I can measure how much i need and not waste it.
You can split the SuperKleer contents. You just need to place the remainder of each part in airtight containers (ie. a baby food jars work) in your refrigerator until you need it.

The 2 packets included are actually 15 mL Kieselsol and 50 mL Chitosan. Use a syringe to measure out the amount you need of each part and add it to your wine per the instructions on the package.

Assuming the package is for 5 gallons, the math becomes easy. You would use 3 mL of Kieselson (the smaller packet) and 10 mL of Chitosan (the larger packet) PER GALLON of wine.

If you like how the Super Kleer works, it is possible to get the 2 parts in bulk (I have a 1L bottle of each) from your LHBS and keep it in the fridge, using as needed. Cheaper than buying the smaller packets.
Ok.....I know I am very new to winemaking.

And I know you have read all the DB posts that say to make a metric crapton of the stuff.

Manthing doesn't like wine.
At all. He thinks all wine tastes like feet. And some taste like feet and butt (according to him). This whole winemaking adventure was started with the understanding that this was going to be my hobby, etc, he had zero interest in anything related to this hobby.

I made a 6 gallon batch of Dragon's Blood back in September/October.
I only used one bottle of lemon juice and added an extra 5 lbs of strawberries on top of the triple berry blend.
Fast forward to today.
Manthing is in an absolute panic because there are only 4 bottles left of HIS strawberry wine!

If you only make 2 or 3 gallons of it, you will be kicking yourself after your batch ages for about a month. After two months, if you have any left, you will be kicking and cursing yourself. You won't have any left at all after three months.
Seriously...just make a full batch.

Jeri - I know what you mean about the full batch. I just have a few logistical issues before I am able to get a 5-6 gallon batch going. There is no doubt I'm going to like the stuff, there isn't too much I don't like. :)
You can split the SuperKleer contents. You just need to place the remainder of each part in airtight containers (ie. a baby food jars work) in your refrigerator until you need it.

The 2 packets included are actually 15 mL Kieselsol and 50 mL Chitosan. Use a syringe to measure out the amount you need of each part and add it to your wine per the instructions on the package.

Assuming the package is for 5 gallons, the math becomes easy. You would use 3 mL of Kieselson (the smaller packet) and 10 mL of Chitosan (the larger packet) PER GALLON of wine.

If you like how the Super Kleer works, it is possible to get the 2 parts in bulk (I have a 1L bottle of each) from your LHBS and keep it in the fridge, using as needed. Cheaper than buying the smaller packets.

Thanks for your response, that really helps! I thought of using a syringe but wasn't sure the exact measuring to do. I can do that!

Thanks everyone for your help!!!:db
Manthing is in an absolute panic because there are only 4 bottles left of HIS strawberry wine!

Now that's just funny right there! My wife's a red head. If the DB gets low, she wants to know what I've been doing with my time.
Don't anger the Irish! It's scary! :tz
So i figured it out and I'm going with a three gallon batch of it. I'm using a strawberry, raspberry, blackberry and blueberry blend. Smells and looks great so far! Can't wait till i have everything to do a full batch!

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Wine Making mobile app

Dave.....Manthing is a redhead too.

Course he looks more viking than irish, but who knows?!
Here is my three gallon batch of dragon blood i have started. Thursday will be a week in secondary. Nice color. I decided to go with sparkolloid instead of the super kleer. Had to make another trip to the brew shop. :) Never used a clearing agent before.

Sent from my DROID RAZR HD using Wine Making mobile app
