Dragon Blood in 15 days!!!

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I just got some ec 1118 and going to try.. i dont have two buckets empty..so i cant really compare, but i have done enough fermenting with the red curvee to notice the difference, if any.
will let you know.
the appear to be the exact same in theory.
Question, I was planning to make my dragon blood tonight but I don't have anymore yeast energizer. I have the yeast nutrient though. Think it will be ok? Or should I hold off until I pick up energizer?
If you have yeast nutrient bump it a little..and add in thirds, you should be ok. If you cant get any , add a whole banana peels and all , sliced and put in bag...you should be just fine.
If you have yeast nutrient bump it a little..and add in thirds, you should be ok. If you cant get any , add a whole banana peels and all , sliced and put in bag...you should be just fine.

Thanks so much for the quick response. It just so happens I have banana. I'll do just that. What did you mean by adding nutrient in thirds? I'm excited to get making this one!
instead of adding all your nutrient at once, split in to thirds.
1/3 at start, 2/3 like 3 days, 3/3 in 5 days...
I believe what James is suggesting is to divide the neutrient into thirds abd add it in incriments over the life of the ferment. If you are adding a little extra overall, start with, say, two tsp up front. Once the SG drops by a third, add two more, then again at one third SG. Like this...

At start SG = 1.075 (add 2 tsp)
After several days SG = 1.050 (add 2 tsp)
After several more days SG = 1.025 (add two more)

This is just an example, but you get the idea. Do this along with the banana being added up front. You can put the banana in the bag with the other fruit if you like. Follow the recipe exactly otherwise. Squeeze and stir daily.

Did you get the pdf file with the recipe in it? <attached below>

View attachment Wine_Made_Easy 2.0.pdf
dave is dead on target...now if he could just pick a label for 2013, he will have wrapped it up.lol
Thanks guys! Dave, I did get the pdf. I really appreciate it. I'll post the results of this batch in a few weeks as it progresses.
Isn't that lovely! And where did you get the cool hugging monkey bottle?
I get most of my bottles from my Parents. That one I fill for them and share, so I get it back again. That way I keep my "brass monkey". ;)
How did you get the blue color? That is awesome looking.
I have two db variants i am working on.
one is like a purple jesus....grape juice and vodka
the other is like a margarita.
i am testing a lime ferment now, but so far no real luck with pure lime juice.
almost, but not there yet.
one other is a pina colada type blood,
i want it to taste like the drinks, not like wine, but it will be...
Zesting was the way to go for my lemon-lime version---Leaping Lizard. Taste just like a margarita! I've got just a few bottles left. Need to make some this winter for next summer enjoyment.
Hmm. Just finishing a batch of the original. I used sine extra strawberries along with triple berry. Used premier cuvée since that's what I had. Otherwise as directed. Just back sweetened to 1.016 and there is a distinct tin or bitter flavor. Any ideas? Still young. It's only been clear for a couple days. Wait? Add anything? Help!!(please)
you can an juice extraction from strawberries, that would help.
best is bottle and let sit, i can tell a diffrence after 1 month...
you can an juice extraction from strawberries, that would help.
best is bottle and let sit, i can tell a diffrence after 1 month...

thanks .. any idea what would lend the tin flavor? any chance it is something dangerous?
The Wine Spectator magazine says, regarding metalic taste in wines:

"First off, there's a difference between "good metallic" and "bad metallic." Some excellent Sauvignon Blancs and Rieslings might be described as "steely" or "flinty" (positive descriptors that are often attributed to grapes grown in mineral-rich soil). On the other hand, unpleasant metallic or "tinny" notes can come from brettanomyces, a spoilage yeast. "Metallic" can also refer to a tactile sensation that comes from low-ethanol, dry, high-acid wines, or to the astringent feel of some highly polyphenolic wines. Also, there are combinations of both medication and food that can impart a metallic taste to wine. I've experienced this anytime I've been on antibiotics—or tried to pair red wine with sushi."

Brettanomyce is a wild yeast found on the skin of fruit. "It is thought Brettanomyces can be introduced to a winery by insect vectors such as fruit flies."
It may come from any of, or a combination of these factors. It will go away, they say, if you let the wine "breath" for a while before drinking, or it may dissipate with some time in the bottle.