Did I ruin my wine?

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Oct 5, 2010
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I have 15.2 gallons of cabernet sauvignon and 6 gallons of syrah. Had a tarp over them for about a week while I was doing some work in my basement. Went down to my basement and the tops were off of both of them. On the carboy the top and ferm lock were off on the beer keg the ferm lock came off. I'm guessing that these were off for about a week. What do you guys think? I tried the wine and they taste pretty good, I added a little more camphen to both and sealed them up with the bungs and fermlocks
should be of no issue...just monitor them in the upcoming months

any idea how they came off? how much time elapsed after the primary fermentation?
If you have added the proper amount of k-meta and you were topped up properly you should be fine.
When did you start this wine / wines?
It started in mid october... in secondary early november... it has been racked twice already
I had that happen once, cat knocked it off and it was actually fine!
As Al said, just check them but they should be fine as long as no critters got in there!

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