Cutting labels

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Senior Member
Feb 5, 2007
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Anyone else have trouble cutting straight labels with scissors or a paper cutter?Here's a good trick - use a rotary cutter made for cutting fabric.You can get them most anywhere that sells fabric or craft supplies.Just line a straight-edge up with the label on a clean, hard surface (I use my wife's cutting board) and cut a perfectly straight label every time.
I don't cut labels for wine bottles but for my hot sauce labels I use a razor knife (with new blade) and straight edge. I agree a paper cutter and or scissors don't cut it!
Those rotary cutters are great....BUT...hope your not using her fabric cutter...Paper really dulls them for the next fabric cutting.

I have a paper 'guillotine' works good for me....I have marked with a piece masking tape on the wooden platform where to alien the paper and then each sheet is cut the same.Edited by: Northern Winos
I have the guillotine also and love it it has a grid and a straight edge on it and also has a rotary cuuter to but I prefer the guillotine!
The guillotine from Staples works great as I just cut about 70 labels tonight and even when I screw up and get a smidgen off the line I can readjust and shave it right off with no problem! It costs about $17.99 and has the rolling cutter on it to but I would just get the plain old guillotine next time but wasnt sure so I figured I couldnt go wrong with both!