RJ Spagnols CSS Reisling Ice

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Jun 23, 2011
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I just started the 12L Riesling Ice kit yesterday and was surprised when I went to check the sg. I expected the sugar content to be high but the sg was so high I could not get a reading on my hydrometer. This is my first Ice Wine so I called the store where I bought the kit and they said I should have added water to the kit to bring the sg down. The instructions were specific about not adding water so I called the RJS helpline and talked to one of the most helpful and knowledgeable people I have spoken with since I started making wine a few years ago. As expected, "Gail" stated the sugar content is very high and would be in the range of 1.25. Gail also stated not to add water as it would throw off the entire kit. Gail was also able to provide a few other hints and insights that would be hard to include in the generic instructions.
I'm not sure how the wine will come out but I am sold on customer service at RJS.
When i made this kit last year, the SG was through the roof as well. It definitely doesnt need water & the EC-1118 yeast included definitely works its way up to 18%. The must should be thick, almost syrup.

I believe after fermentation & stabilization, backsweetening with the F-Pack put it in the 1.060 SG range, but it comes out very well rounded. It's since been bulk aging for the last year & i havent tasted it in probably 6 months :)

Good luck with the kit, im sure you'll be pleased.
Thanks for the info. You must have a locked storage and willpower to have not tried the wine yet.

Well i had 2 kits, a total of 6 gallons that i fermented together.. Annnd, its aging in a 5-gallon carboy now.. So for those first 6 months, i couldnt stay out of it. And everyone that came over, got to taste it..

I figured the other 5 gallons better make it to bottles - and the carboy is clear / stable and full - cant have it oxidize, so i cant taste anymore.. Or so i keep telling myself :)