WineXpert Crushendo kits... how do they choose the yeasts?

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Senior Member
Dec 24, 2005
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I bought a crushendo kit that is about done. My question is, I noticed that it came with Lavlin Yeast EC-1118. When I read through Georges yeast information it would seem that for a red there are better yeasts for a red kit.

So has anyone tried a different yeast on a kit? I bet it could be improved. I suggest that maybe they choose the 1118 just to ensure the chance of a sucessful fermentaion....???
I have yet to experiment with any kits I have bought. I would think that if you are experienced and have done some research you probably could improve a kit. These kits, no matter how high end, have to be put together for best success. Not everyone can control all the variables that helps create a good wine. When I get a bit more knowledge on the subject, I might try switching yeasts. You could probably email Wine Expert and ask Tim Vandergift. He could probably help you best with this subject.
Tim V. has posted in other forums how they do the yeast selection process. In short, they run, trials of each kit with all the most common strains of yeast us normal folks can get. Then they do taste trials at 3,6,9, and 12 months to see what worked and what didn't. They also take into account success of fermentation under normal conditions (read temperature ranges). After that, they choose the yeast, or reformulate the kit to achieve the flavor profile with the chosen yeast.

In short, Yeast is not something that I would change in a WE kit, as I'm sure that Tim and crew have done their best to choose the best yeast. I have had some WE kits that did not have the standard EC-1118 or Premiere Cuvee, but did have other very non standard yeasts, which had high foaming properties.
I agree with Dean, their success is built on theability of their kits providing the best wine that can be made from them. Thats not to say that a different yeast might not produce an equally good wine but I don't think it would produce a better one.
What is the alc content on this Crushendo? It seems the RC 212 would be
the best for reds but the alc is only 15 and a Crushendo might be too
close to that and not run dry.
I agree with all these replies. My biggest concern would be the same as wadewade. The crushendo's have higher alcohol contents and may be too close to being beyond the optimum range of RC212 and some others. The EC-1118 would have no problems with the higher range.