Corn Cob / Knotweed wine

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Aug 28, 2022
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I started to make Corncob wine.. then read a few reviews that said it was “ drinkable” but they would not make it again. My corn was fresh, local corn- but had very little flavor.:/
I was set on making wine and was already into the process.. so I dove into the freezer and found my Knotweed- and a cup of dandelion buds- and added some black tea, raisins, sugar, lemon juice, pectin enzyme, fermfed etc..
The next day it had very little flavor - a bit of zing and sweetness. I threw in 2 cups of yesterday’s strong black coffee.. squeezed and strained it all- would have left it longer on the veg but I am too busy in the coming days to wait. I pitched some D47 .. and it looked flat. I thought I killed it with too much acid.. maybe needed more sugar?.but I waited. I kept thinking it might be a wasted effort. Several hours was bubbling like crazy!! Idk if it will have much flavor, but it is gratifying to see it perking nicely. Glad to try corncobs- and happy to utilize and knock back the invasive Knotweed that won’t go away. Knotweed has made some pretty great wine for me in past years.
Clearing some space in my freezer is a bonus too!. 🌽🌽🌽🌱🌱🌱
My corn was from the garden, great flavor, and the wine was a success. I thought it was a very good ordinary wine. If I didn't have so many other things to choose from I think I would make it again.

I've seen many recipes for knotweed wine with favorable reviews. You bet I'm interested. Unfortunately I haven't spotted any growing around here.
Some year I’ll try it again with better corn , perhaps? I love the idea of utilizing it to its fullest and using the cobs.
Knotweed makes a great wine- but you do not want it growing in your area! It never goes away. I have a lot available but didn’t harvest as much as I should have this year.
I had to slow down production - I made 24 batches of wine last year- (3-6 gallons each)
I started feeling overwhelmed -so I have only made 3 batches this year! I nearly forgot how!!:) I have plans for a few more… and I’m still stocking my freezer!:) 😂
Ah, Spotted Lady's Thumb! Now that I have and it's actually on my list. Photos really fool you about the size.
I tasted the flowers this morning. Actually good with subtle fruit flavor. I'm thinking that it might be like some flower wines needing close to a gallon of flowers. And from what I remember, the whole plant is edible.
Mine are past their prime so wine will be next year.

lady thumb.jpg
Ah, Spotted Lady's Thumb! Now that I have and it's actually on my list. Photos really fool you about the size.
I tasted the flowers this morning. Actually good with subtle fruit flavor. I'm thinking that it might be like some flower wines needing close to a gallon of flowers. And from what I remember, the whole plant is edible.
Mine are past their prime so wine will be next year.

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If yours are past prime, mine are probably too. I just noticed this sprawling pink that I hadn’t seen before, probably because it’s been mowed over. It looks fresh now and I can maybe get a gallon. Depends on how quick I act 😂. I’m really good at procrastinating some things and then others not so much. Waiting for my persimmon to drop and two days into it I’m wondering if it’s going to? This is gallon 2, gallon 1 looks good.


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