Cold Stabilization

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Junior Member
Aug 29, 2012
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Good afternoon!

Couple questions about Cold Stabilization. I have several kits that I'm bulk aging right now, 3 reds and a white... all are high end kits. I was curious what are the benefits of doing this? Should I do this just before I bottle or could I cold stabilize and then go back to bulk aging for a bit? Is 2 - 3 weeks enough time in my garage? Garage temp is in the 30s usually this time of year.
I do not know the answer. I have never cold stabilized kits and never an issue - maybe the way they are processed and pasteurized, etc. also - i do cold stabilize my wines from grapes from my vineyard the best i can for at least 3 day and preferably 5-7 days. just my opinion.
I agree with K-9 and the Wolfman, no real benefit or need for most kits, although occasionally a white might help prevent a few wine diamonds in the whites.
Well....I made the rj spag en premier aust Shiraz back in may 2012. I racked it down to a 5 gallon carbon from six and bottled a few bottles...about 3 months ago. I was planning on not cold stabilizing but I had my first bottle this last weekend and it did have fine wine crystals/diamonds in the bottom of it. Of course I haven't added the metataric acid yet though. So now Im either going to cold stabilize, add the acid, or both.

On that note, I'm worried about racking after cold stabilizing because it exponentially increases the risk of oxidation. I have read differing opinions but do you guys let the wine warm up to the 60's or so or just rack cold.
Usually CS benefits fresh fruit or grapes - as they will have wine diamonds drop out.

Kits probably won't have any fall out.

At 30* i would CS for 4-5 weeks.
Ok great, so diamonds really just affect the look of the wine but not the taste?
Nothing wrong there. Matter of fact in some European countries they are a sign of fine wine, if i recall correctly.
Ok great, so diamonds really just affect the look of the wine but not the taste?

Yup - just the look. You can also buy a bottle filter so when you pour it - they want go into the glass as you serve it - or you can use the bottle filter to pour into a decanter and set out for serving..
Here is what I had drop out after CS. I had similar amounts from a Super Tuscan and a Barolo.
You can get small amounts of acid with kits, but the small amount usually is no bother. From real grapes, especially whites it is more important especially for cold climate grapes. See the picture here. It is the acid out of one 6 gallon carboy of Cayuga grapes a number of years ago.
Wow Grapeman... at first glance I thought those were Frosted Flakes... Thanks for all the advice... I may just try it and see what happens.
sorry about not getting back earlier - just crazy around here. I meant to add that I would suggest getting a few 79 cent bottles of cheapo vodka and putting that in the airlock as opposed to water or k-meta water that will freeze. I have 3 bottles ready to go for my cs this winter.

maybe you know this - maybe you don't but I figured I'd toss that in there.