I use this one. Delicious.
1Tablespoon coffee
1kg Sugar
250 ml grape concentrate
1 tsp pectolase
1 tsp acid blend or citric acid
Use Nescafe or a similar brand, make the coffee in 2 pints of water and add the sugar
When cool to room temperature add the rest of ingredients
Put into a clean demi john. Top up to shoulders of demi john with cold water. Add an airlock and leave to ferment out. This may take a few days or a couple of weeks depending on the temperature.
When the bubbles stop coming through the airlock, or slow down to about one every 2 minutes test the wine.
Either use a hydrometer or taste it. If it's too sweet leave it longer.
If it's dry(sour taste) or just right,syphon off into a clean demi john.
Add 1 campden tablet and potassium sorbate.
Leave to clear.