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Jan 22, 2007
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I am making a Riesling wine and this is my first batch. I added the sorbate and sulfite and backsweetened after it finished fermenting it bone dry. I also stirred the heck out of it and then added Superkleer. wine was sparkling clear but it had trapped CO2. I had a tone of tiny bubbles. I called the winery where I got my juice and they suggested I transfer to the primary and dump the wine back and forth 4 to 5 times into another sanatized bucket. I did that and transfered back to the carboy. Absolutley no more bubbles is so cloudy now and its been 1 week. Can I use another packet of superkleer???
First of all, great user name. To answer your question, I have had to add additional clearing agents before. I have a dropperbottle of Isinglass that I can add extra if needed. I would still let it go a few more days to see if it starts clearing up on its own though.

Edited by: smurfe
Thanks for the quick response. I was so excited my wine was crystal clear but had trapped that I fixed the CO2 problem it looks awful. I will wait and I will look for some of that clearing agent you mentioned instead of superkleer. This first batch has been exciting yet frustrating. As for the username....I am a dental hygienistby day and a wine maker by night!!!!!! Its a great hobby and it is so much fun learning something new!!!
I don't know if this will work or if you should do it or not - maybe someone else can chime in ... but I had the very same problem with some scuppernong wine. It just would not clear and I used speedy betonite and waited two weeks, finings and waited 2 weeks and it never cleared. One company said to add the betonite again and then add finings again. Another one said to just add finings again. The problem with that is each time you do add one of those it compromises the end taste. This company that host this site gave me the trick that worked. They told me to add Pectic Enzymes (1/2 tsp. per gal) and wait about 10 days to see if it clears. I even complained here that it looked like mud and I was going to dump it if it didn't clear. Well it cleared by using the Pectic enzymes (see my pictures on this forum). I am very pleased with it. The taste is very good as well. So maybe call George here and ask him if this would work for you.
I am also wondering if maybe during those transfers it didn't get too much air and oxidized some????
Those are just thoughts from me, so please be sure to check it out before doing it.
I would give it a week to see if it will reclear by itself. If you ever
have to do this again, rack it off the sediment first, clean the
carboy, then dump thev wine back and fourth.
I transfered the wine from the carboy, leaving most of the sediment behind. Then I dumped it back and forth from bucket to bucket. I cleaned out and sanatized the carboy and transfered the wine back in to it. Now it is cloudy.....but no CO2!! I will wait a few more days....I may try the Isinglass or Enymes. We are getting buried in the snow here in Ohio, so I am not sure when I can get to our local wine supply store. Thanks for all your help. I sure do appreciate it!!! Theresa