Cheap 5 minute Carboy Cover

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Senior Member
Jul 11, 2008
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Iowa, USA
I use brown paper bags. The one you get from the store when you are checking out and you ask for paper (not plastic).

For 5 and 6 gallon carboys, I just cut two slits in the bottom of the bag (a large plus sign). Just big enough for the air lock to fit through. Then I slide the bag over the carboy.

For 3 gallon carboys, I do the same as above, but I trim a little of the top of the bag off (the open end of the bag). I trim just enough so when the bag is over the carboy, only the airlock sticks out.

For 1 gallon jugs, I do the following:

1. Trim the open end of the bag, to the height of the jug.
2. Put the bag over the gallon jug.
3. Slide the bag so that the jug is to one of the short sides of the bag.
4. Mark where the jug opening is on the bottom of the bag and cut two slits (a plus sign) in the bottom of the bag.
5. Pinch the other side of the bag and mark the bag vertically.
6. Make a vertical cut, cutting off about 1/3 or so of the bag. Will depend on the size of the jug.
7. Pull the sides (large sides) together and tape one side over the other.
8. Then fold the bottom of the bag down and tape over the sides you just taped together.

When done, the bag should be snug to the jug, but loose enough so it can slide off easily.

I hope you find this helpful!

Now that works!!! You could even write your notes of what you added when and when you rack right on the bag!

I think youthink! Thank you, ithink!
ithink, I may have missed a thread somewhere. Why do you cover your carboys with a brown paper bag?
I happen to use T-shirts, especially ones that have served their purpose or are just in abundance. Plus, my carboys get a sense of style, in some cases.

Either way, it's a great way to keep light away from the carboy while it's aging. I like Joan's idea of writing your notes right on the bag.

- Jim

You want to cover the carboys to keep the light out. I've been told light will steal the color from your wine. Make it paler. I don't know if the light does anything else to the wine.
I do something similar. When I purchase a carboy, I take the box, invert it cut out a square opening in the bottom for the airlock and place it over my carboy. I also cut a small viewing door in the side so I can peek at the wine without removing the box.
If my cellar area gets to chilly, I can insulate the carboy and cover it again with the box. It also gives you somewhere to stick notes and such on.

When the carboy is not in use, I turn the box back over and place the carboy into it for storage.

You can see a few of these at my website listed below.

Edited by: bmckee56