Cellar Craft CC Showcase Old Vine Zinfandel (with Enzyme Pack)

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Absolutely. Its got a grape pack that should be stirred and punched down a couple of times a day when things are really active, after it slows down I usually go to once a a day routine. Bentonite which you add to the must at the beginning will deactivate the enzyme which is why the enzyme is not added until you rack off the gross lees which would include the bentonite.
Did you add any other oak to this kit while bulk aging or just what came with it?
So far just the stock oak. I remember oak saw dust can't recall if it had any chips. Mine is right at 5 months bulk aging so I should probably do another taste test to check oak levels again.

If it does I would probably add 2oz med toast french oak chips for about 3-4 weeks.
Ok. It only came with the sawdust type oak. Does it tend to float
so that it's easier to transfer to secondary? Thanks for all your help.
Probably won't do another taste until just before I bottle or at bottling time in 1 to 2 more months.
The clarifier in this kit is made from shellfish. My mom is allergic to shellfish. I'm worried if I use the clarifier that came with it she will
not be able to try it. Can I use a different clarifier or just let the bulk aging do the clearing? Thanks for all your help.
CassieV said:

The clarifier in this kit is made from shellfish. My mom is allergic to shellfish. I'm worried if I use the clarifier that came with it she will

not be able to try it. Can I use a different clarifier or just let the bulk aging do the clearing? Thanks for all your help.

My sister is allergic to shellfish and she has not has any problem with my wines. But she is well aware that the clarifer is made from shellfish. Most of that stuff drops out and you leave it behind with racking. Still if you use the product PLEASE let her know so she can decide.

You can always give George a call and he can give you other options if you don't want to wait for the wine to clear on its own.
CassieV said:

The clarifier in this kit is made from shellfish. My mom is allergic to shellfish. I'm worried if I use the clarifier that came with it she will

not be able to try it. Can I use a different clarifier or just let the bulk aging do the clearing? Thanks for all your help.
Chitosin is actually made from the shells of shellfish. Here is an article from Winemaker magazine on this topic. The relevant paragraphs follow:

Though I’m no medical doctor (I seem to say that a lot in this
column), from what research I was able to pull together, if I
personally had a shellfish allergy I would feel comfortable using
chitosan products to clarify my wine. I will let you make up your own
mind (in conference with your physician of course), but from what I
understand, seafood allergies derive from proteins in crustaceans and
shellfish, not from materials in their shells.

Chitosan is a manufactured product that is derived from chitin in
the shells, a natural polymer. During the manufacturing process, the
shells only (no fleshy protein bits) are used, and any protein that
could possibly be clinging is removed.

I hope this helps! Cheers.
Remember you don't have to use clarifiers at all. Time will clear your wine on its own. As others have posted I don't think there should be a problem.
I just made this kit two months ago and left out the enzyme pack. I have made 12 CC kits and don't care about the haze. This is one of my best kits I have made to date.
Hey Mike,
I need some more advice on this kit. How long can I keep it on grape skins? The 12th day will be this Friday. I'm not sure if I'll have time to transfer it before I go out of town friday. If I can't rack it, it might be Sunday/monday before I can get to it. Will it be ok?
I personally would take it off it you can find time. If you just can't find the time as long as the lid is snapped and it has the airlock on it should be OK.

There are several other forum poster's that leave it in Primary with the grape pack in for 14 days with out any problems. I would try and get it out on Sunday if you can.
I have the CC Cab/Sav/Shiraz blend with enzyme pack, which I started back in early February.

I put the enzyme pack in when instructed. I got the thick milky coating at the first racking, but was not surprised.

This week (two full months later) when I racked it a second time, I got the same thick milky coating again. It completely coated the inside of the carboy.

The substance seems to be on the top of the wine and not dispersed within the wine, itself. At this racking, I tried to leave that top layer in the original carboy by not siphoning off the top. I hope it will be gone at final racking.

I thought the enzyme was supposed to have taken care of this haze. I am a bit surprised it is still around. Later, I'll take a sample with the thief and make sure it truly is not dispersed in the wine. If it is, I'll contact George to see if it is salvageable, which I wonder if it would be.
I have had two kits come with the enzyme. Neither kit has the white ring around the wine level. I have not seen any real "thick milky" coating so to speak. Did you rack off the gross lees before adding the enzyme as per instructions? If so give George a call. Perhaps another dose of enzyme from CC could be sent out to you.
I added the enzyme to the carboy, so yes, I had racked before adding the enzyme. I think I will give George a call on this one.
That was my only thought . Perhaps you had too much bentonite which the instructions say will deactivate the enzyme.

The little white ring on both my kits disappeared in a matter of weeks after all stabilization and fining was done.
ibglowin said:
That was my only thought . Perhaps you had too much bentonite which the instructions say will deactivate the enzyme.

The little white ring on both my kits disappeared in a matter of weeks after all stabilization and fining was done.

I only used the bentonite that was included in the kit. It should not have been much of a factor after racking.

I tried to contact George, but he was not available. I'll try again later and let you know what he says.
It worked out & I was able to rack today. I didn't notice any milky residue but I used the enzyme anyway. Instead of trying to transfer the oak I just added a little bit of the french med you suggested. It tasted pretty good. Can't wait to see how it comes along. Thanks for all your help.

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