Canning last weekend

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Feb 9, 2010
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Canned some Peach jam (2 batches), some peach-blueberry jam, some bread and butter pickles, and some pickled hot cherry peppers.

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This is jam and contains fruit pulp,

I turn the jars upside down to have the pulp settle to the bottom of the jar, then wait until it is just starting to solidify, and turn the jars over again. This way the pulp is spread out more and not just a nasty clump at the top of the jar.
the only jam I make is strawberry and concord grape and I never had any issues with the pulp settling in a clump. I never made peach jam, we always just made peach butter. Peach/blueberry does sound like a good combo. I'm thinking warm buttermilk biscuits with your peach/blueberry jam!

How do you seal the jars, are you using paraffin wax? I would think the jar would not seal being turned upside down.
I seal mine in a water bath. Never heard of sealing with wax.

That is what I do but my Mom and her whole family used wax. Melt the wax, pour it on the jelly after it has set and cooled, then you place a string in the center of the wax. When we would "open" a jar of jam, all you need to do is pull on the string and the wax popped out. She would then save the wax and reuse it.
Looking yummy JohnT!

I've never heard of the wax method, only boiling water canning. And with that method you never invert because it would kill the vacuum seal.

After the crab apple crush this weekend, I processed 8 litres of juice for the kids. Also spirited sour cherries, and spicy dilly beans. Tomatoes are just starting to ripen, so salsa will be soon!!


My mother used the wax method, but I find that this is more trouble then just sealing using canning lids.

10 minute boiling hot water bath is all you need.


HMMM, salsa? I have a ton of tomatoes. Any chance you could provide your recipe? Is the salsa better than you can get in a store?
I never do a hot water bath when canning pickles & peppers, it makes them like mush......... The vinegar brine solution will kill any bacteria that exists, but
I'm sure the canning police would disagree! I do turn them upside down after adding the hot brine, putting the rings on & they always seal. I make enough to last me about a year. When my kids were home, we would go threw a quart of pickles a week. My peppers & pickles are always very crunchy, if I did the water bath they would be very soft following the recommend methods of the canning police...... Been doing this method for roughly 50 years & still kicking....... I do use the water bath method for non-pickled foods though.......


Al, there are some things I do a water bath and some things I do not and pickles and my zucchini relish are those that I do not do a water bath but I don't turn them upside down either.
Hey JohnT you bet! I really like HOT salsa, but it would kill my in-laws, so I make a mix.

Here is a favourite of mine:

I sub out the peppers for a mix of mild-extremely hot ones - as long as it's the equivalent amount you're ok to do that :)

I also enjoy this one, it's for a small batch and again, I sub out the peppers into mild-hot heat depending on my audience. Also, you can chop the stuff instead of food process if you like a chunkier consistency. I use a food processor for nearly all of my salsa these days.
Beyond hot
8 plum tomatoes
1 large onion
4 lg cloves garlic
4-5 jalapenos
2 small hot chili peppers
1/4 c cider vinegar
2t dried cilantro
1t each pickling salt & sugar

Process till almost smooth in blender or processor
Put in pot, add vinegar, cilantro, salt & sugar bring to a boil over high heat, reduce heat & boil gently for 15 min or until thickened.
Ladle into jars, with 1/2 inch space. Process for 20 min for 250ml jars, or 500 ml jars. Makes 750 ml.

Finally, for something AMAZING that has nothing to do with tomatoes:
Apricot-Habanero Salsa
1 c white vinegar
12 c chopped pitted apricots
2 1/2 c chopped red onion
2 habanero peppers, seeded and chopped
2 red bell peppers, seeded and chopped
1 c loosely packed finely chopped fresh cilantro
1/4 cup honey
2 cloves of minced garlic
1 Tbsp ground cumin
1 tsp cayenne pepper

Plonk everything into a bot and bring to a boil. Simmer for 10 minutes or until thickened. Pour into pint jars with 1/2 inch headspace and boiling water can for 15 minutes. This is also nice with a hit of lime zest/juice.
Will make approximately 8 pint jars.

Enjoy!! I like to make a nice selection depending on what I've got available and who I'm making it for (like my wine, I give 90% of it away). I have a girlfriend who makes stuff out of purple tomatoes and only sweet peppers, or tomatillos and we swap a few jars of each. Makes for a yummy winter.
I never do a hot water bath when canning pickles & peppers, it makes them like mush......... The vinegar brine solution will kill any bacteria that exists, but


Hey Al, I'm interested to know: do your hot peppers take on a metallic taste when you pickle them? I've been unhappy with my pickled habaneros and would like to find a recipe that does not have that taste. I'm careful with my pots, utensils, etc to use non-reactive, and only my hot peppers get that taste!

Any pointers/recipes to share?
Rayway, your peach salsa looks tasty. I may borrow that this year, peaches are about to come into season right here.

I end up with a surplus of chiles each fall and usually pickle them in a salt brine, but last year I started making a fermented relish. It's funky, but so good.


odd, not sure why the pic shows up twice. oh well.

2013-04-08 11.33.37.jpg
Wow !!

All these great pics and my mouth is watering beyond belief !!

I am going to have to start canning some hot peppers and pickles as I like them both