Can I move to secondary at 1.006

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Apr 9, 2012
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I am 7 days into fermentation of a CC Sterling White Shiraz. I started at 1.09. I will be gone for a few days and wanted to move it tonight. Is that ok or should I wait. The instructions said move at 1.000 or less. My first encounter with this issue. Thanks.
If you have an airlock on your primary ferment-er you can either lock the lid on your primary or rack it to secondary. You're close enough for sure. some kits have you rack at 1.04. How active is your fermentation anyway?
Yes, you can go ahead and move it to secondary and put it under airlock.
I like moving it to secondary a little early. The last bit of ferment will put a protective layer of CO2 between the wine and the airlock in the carboy.
Just opened a bottle of this after a year and it is an awesome summer wine! I wasn't happy with it about two months ago so it pays to wait.