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Senior Member
Nov 6, 2006
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I have been making wine for 10 years. My wife asked me a question that I could not answer. I hope some of you can.
The question she raised is how many calories are in a glass of wine. Is there a difference between red and white? What about the variety of the grape? Is there some kind of chart I can show her?
<h1 ="Module-Title">

</span></h1><h1 ="Module-Title">Actual Calories in Wine
<div ="Content">

this site is not a calorie counter, many come here expecting some sort
of caloric intake chart - so who am I not to help you out? This is a 4
oz serving size (but I personally never stop at just 4!)

Beaujolais = 95

Bordeaux = 95

Burgundy (Red) = 95

Burgundy (White) = 90

Cabernet Sauvignon = 90

Chablis = 85

Chardonnay = 90

Chianti or Sangiovese = 100

Grenache = 95

Madiera = 160

Merlot = 95

Muscatel = 160

Port = 185(Wow! - even I'm stunned here, although I probably would stop at 4 oz so it might still be a caloric bargain)

Riesling = 90

Rhone = 95

Rose = 95

Sangria = 115

Sauvignon Blanc = 80

Sparkling Wine = 105

Zinfandel = 90
So I guess you can say there is 500 calories in a 750ml bottle on average.
I can only inagine how many calories in Ice Wine. I would think higher than Port Wine.
Northern Winos said:

</span></h1><h1>Actual Calories in Wine

this site is not a calorie counter, many come here expecting some sort
of caloric intake chart - so who am I not to help you out? This is a 4
oz serving size (but I personally never stop at just 4!)

My kind of gal!!!!
I would have thought some of the sweeter wines like Riesling would have been higher unless that is a dry Riesling.