Calling all Label Makers!!!

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sitting in a Rhode Island hotel room all week... might as well contribute my late night attempt!the 2.75 x 2.75 restriction is tough for me since I'm not as talented as some of these other label makers. Let me know if my vision is too "dark" since this is the tamest of the six or seven graphics I created.

WOW! There are some great labels on this thread. Waldo, I like your idea of starting a biz. : )
Joan, I need you to give me some lessons.

masta, here's another one I started. It's the same skull as the label I posted only I used a different flame technique behind it.

sangwitch said:
the 2.75 x 2.75 restriction is tough for me since I'm not as talented as some of these other label makers.

Yes the relatively small size of the label can certainly influence the final decision since I will be printing them all out together on a full page so I can see how they look in actual size and do a side by side comparison.

We are very impressed with the efforts so far!Edited by: masta
First I drove all the way up to The Toy Store and then I held up a bottle of wine and told him it was ready to drink!

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