Bulk aging.

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Jul 16, 2011
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Greetings teacher(s),

I've been searching for info on bulk aging but I'm at work and fear I will use up my allotted internet time so I will just ask. I'm new at this awesome hobby so forgive me if this is a no brainer.

I would like to know what the benefit is of bulk aging my wine? Is there a definative benefit of aging in a carboy for a length of time? I'd imagine that there is but the only thing I can come with is my carboy will be too heavy to lift and I can't fit my head in it, thereby preventing me from drinking it prematurely:) Thanks.

Less tempted to drink it before its ready.
More volume means it will resist/dampen temperature swings.
One large container instead of 30 smaller containers means its all at the same condition all the time.
As long as its in bulk its easier to add sulfite, extra oak or cold stabilize.

If you didn't ferment to dry and it starts back up or if you back-sweetened and the sorbate didn't take or was not enough you can easily fix it in bulk.

Everything to gain with bulk aging nothing to lose!
I agree with Mike, and wanted to add a couple more benefits of bulk aging:

Allows gravity and natural processes to clear the wine, instead of using the effective but slightly artificial procedure of the clarifiers (chitosan, kielosol, etc.)
Easier to move and store one carboy than thirty glass bottles, even if just rearranging the work area
Eliminates need to degas (for me) if stored in carboy above 60 degrees or so (note: not everyone shares this view of not needing to degas, but I haven't had any issues in 30+ batches, since the first one that I bottled too soon)

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