WineXpert Bottled tonight.

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Senior Member
Jan 31, 2012
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Bottled a Muller-Thurgau this evening. Couldn't use the All in One because I was using some plastic bottles.

Going to start a Tempranillo in the new Brew Demon next. Should be a fun experiment.
The AIO draws a vacuum on the bottle being filled?
The AIO draws a vacuum on the bottle being filled?

Yep, a vacuum is pulled on the receiving vessel. :ib

Couldn't use the All in One because I was using some plastic bottles.

Never tried bottling wine in plastic. Although...a good way to tell if you have potential bottle-bombs due to incomplete or restarted ferm w/ f-pac would be to fill a small soda bottle with wine, squeeze out all of the air and twist on a cap. If after a week or so the bottle inflates with CO2, better handle the glass bottles with caution! :<
I have 12 plastic Mr. Beer bottles that I used.

I am well versed in All in One operations.

I have used them before for white wine that I consider "pool wine" It won't be around long because I make it available to my pool guests, mostly girls. Also, no chance of broken glass around the pool.

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