Blueberry Wine

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I like the purple drip on the wall, any one that doesn't have those, has not made enough wine
Now that my wine is in a carboy, do I need to stir/shake from time to time, or just leave it alone and let it do it's thing?
Leave it. Make sure its dry and stabilize.
I racked the wine the other day and the bottom of the carboy was clean as a whistle. I bottled it and ended up with 23 bottles. Of course I sampled a little too. Sure is good, not sure how long I can let it age.
You started this in June, and it's bottled? Could you shine a light through it and have no streaks? I've never seen wine clear that fast. I don't use clearing agents either, though.

Looks pretty clear to me. Nice red and translucent. There were no yeast residue on the bottom of the carboy.
Just so everybody knows where I'm at here, I pulled the bag and let it drip for an hour. After pulling the 20 pounds of blueberries, I was just a tad, and I mean a tad, shy of 5 gallons even. I may add a half a can of grape juice concentrate at bottling time (the recipe calls for more but i don't need it). The initial gravity reading was 1.090. Today (5th day) it was 1.064. I put the bag back in the bucket and sealed it back up for a few more days. The odor has mostly cleared up.

My blueberry fermented rather quickly. I started with "steam-juiced" blueberries, so I didn't have to worry with bags, but when I started with a SG of 1.085, my SG was at 1.010 in about 4-5 days. I don't have my notes with me right now, but it fermented much faster than that. I didn't have it in a sealed bucket. I just lay the lid over my fermenter to keep any foreign particles/critters out.
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Did you ferment straight juice? or cut it with water? What were your results as far as flavor goes? Did you do an F-pack?
