Blackberry Port Recipe Needed

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Senior Member
Mar 20, 2007
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I plan to do a blackberry port with berries I hope to pick this summer. This will be my first attempt at a port.
I just PM'd you a recipe Smoke...

Im not sure its the best, But I use it and like it a lot.

Try and find a recipe for that from Waldo or jobe. they both have made this and I know Jobes was totally awesome and I still have one bottle in my cellar gracefully aging!!!!!
[/QUOTE] Don't tell me Blackberry Port causes Alzheimer. [/QUOTE]

I can't remember if I posted on this thread.....

I made a Blackberry Port one time...
^^^^^^^^^^^Are you sure you did? You might just think you have made it!
Sorry about repeating the question--must be an age thing. I have no records of a recipe. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Smokegrub said:
Sorry about repeating the question--must be an age thing. I have no records of a recipe. Sorry for any inconvenience.

No inconvience try this modified recipe..Will be for a 5 Gallon batch

Blackberry Port
Blackberry port is seldom made, but well worth the effort. Use fully ripe berries, fresh or frozen.
30.0 lb.ripe blackberries
2 16 oz bottles red grape concentrate
2 lbs light dried malt extract
6 lbs very ripe (peels almost turning black)bananas. Bring to a boil then let simmer for about 30 minutes. Strain juice and add juice to primary.
Pectic enzyme
1 tbsp. acid blend
Water to bring liquidto 5.5 gallon
5 crushed Campden tablet
2 tsp. yeast energizer
4 tsp. yeast nutrient
Sugar to bring SG to 1.150
1 pkg Lalvin K1-V1116 (Montpellier) or a port wine yeast

Wash and crush blackberries in nylon straining bag and strain juice into fermenter. Or steam juice.Tie top of nylon bag and place in primary. Stir in all other ingredients except pectic enzyme, yeast. Stir well to dissolve sugar, cover well, and set aside for 8–
12 hours. Add pectic enzyme, re-cover, and set aside additional 8–12 hours. Add yeast, cover, stir ingredients daily, and press pulp in nylon bag to extract flavor. When specific gravity is 1.030 (about
5 days), strain juice from bag and siphon liquid off sediment into secondary fermentation vessel. Fit airlock and set aside. Rack in three weeks and again in two months. When wine is clear and well past last evidence of fermentation, stabilize. If no evidence of re-fermentation, rack again and bottle. Allow at least a year to mature, but will improve for several years.

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