Black Currant troubles

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Senior Member
Dec 12, 2010
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Some of you may remember me asking for help with this wine a while back. I have pasted my notes on it below...SG is STILL at 1.016! I don't get it. If you have any thoughts please share. thanks a bunch. Paulc

Vintner’s Harvest Black Currant Fruit Base
2-9-2011 3 gal recipe from can label. Added ¼ tsp of grape tannin powder and small handful of heavy toast American oak. Starting SG of 1.08.
2-10-2011 added Lalvin RC212
2-16-2011 Been stirring must about every other day. Checked SG this morning; 1.056
2-20-2011 stirred must. SG is 1.042
2-24-2011 racked to carboy at 1.030 SG.
3-5-2011 wine is bubbling along well
3-11-2011 checked SG at 1.015. pretty sweet but bubbling slowly, every 60 seconds.
3-22-2011 racked wine off yeast, did not check SG. Added 3 crushed campden tablets. I topped off with 4 or 6 oz of Nero D’Avola. Hoping to bottle in mid-May.
4-15-2011 SG is 1.014-based on advice from forum I added pinch of energizer and stirred. Also added ½ oz of French oak chips.
4-18-2011 SG has not moved. Added a heat pad.
4-24-2011 SG is 1.010 added some more energizer and the heat pad.
5-10-2011 SG is still 1.012 and not moving. Dissolved 1 cup sugar into 1 liter of warm water. Added K1-1116 yeast. Will add wine back slowly, clean carboy and rack back into carboy. Attempt did not work. I added small amount of wine to starter. It began to bubble, added more wine, continues bubbling so I added more wine. Kept adding wine to about a full 3 liters of wine. Added starter back to main stuck wine and put into carboy and no ferment has taken hold.
5-15-2011 After a couple of days I added K1-1116 directly to top of carboy along with a pinch of energizer. Also added small amount of sugar and some nutrient.
5-20-2011 Ferment has restarted.
6-18-2011 Wine is still fermenting strong. Wine will be left alone until the bubbling stops.
7-23-2011 Wine had stopped bubbling; SG is still 1.016!!! I don’t get it. Added 3 campden tablets while racking to bucket. Then racked to 2 1 gal jugs and 1 3 liter jug. I am hoping the oxygen will get some ferment going again. Something obviously has gone wrong with this batch as the SG seems to have risen inspite of 2 additional months of ferment with K1-1116 yeast. There was a good bit of yeast on bottom of glass carboy that I racked from…yet SG is still too high. I will let it sit for now, perhaps try to turn it into port, or add it to port…Or just have a sweet wine that I don’t want…
Why are you adding campden tablets during fermentation?
the first time I added them I did because I had assumed the ferment was done. It seemed it should have been done based on time in fermenter so I did not check SG.
This most recent time I added because I was thinking that I needed to refresh the kmeta every three months in the carboy. BUt doesn't the kmeta kill only the stuff you don't want? Or will the kmeta stress the good yeast that I want? paulc