Best way to add flavor

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Feb 27, 2018
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I am new to all of this. Am using Vintners Harvest Cherry base. Am using two cans for six gallons but read that it doesn't have much fruit flavor after fermenting. What is the best way to add flavor, and sweetness if needed? Any help or suggestions on using these fruit base are appreciated:)
Once you are done fermenting, taste and if needed then add some more cherry flavor and or sugar. Be sure to stabilized before doing this
On this same topic - I made some Dragon's Blood and it seems to have much less body than most of my own fruit wines. The recipe called for only 6# of frozen fruit (mixed berry blend) for a 6 gal batch - most of the time I use 2- 4 # of fruit per gal. Maybe it's supposed to be a little ...........weak & watery?

It's in the secondary now - just a week or so. Can I add fruit juice conc NOW to increase the flavor and body of the wine? Or something else? Do I need to add any other chemicals at the same time? (pectic enzyme, etc?) It's still settling & I haven't stabilized it.

Next time - I make it with at least 2# of fruit per gal.
On this same topic - I made some Dragon's Blood and it seems to have much less body than most of my own fruit wines. The recipe called for only 6# of frozen fruit (mixed berry blend) for a 6 gal batch - most of the time I use 2- 4 # of fruit per gal. Maybe it's supposed to be a little ...........weak & watery?

It's in the secondary now - just a week or so. Can I add fruit juice conc NOW to increase the flavor and body of the wine? Or something else? Do I need to add any other chemicals at the same time? (pectic enzyme, etc?) It's still settling & I haven't stabilized it.

Next time - I make it with at least 2# of fruit per gal.

Make sure it is done fermenting, stabilize and yes can add fruit concentrate.
What is the best fruit concentrate to get? Also is it best to use a wine conditioner or make your own??
Once you are done fermenting, taste and if needed then add some more cherry flavor and or sugar. Be sure to stabilized before doing this
Is there a good fruit concentrate to use....I hear of different options but am not sure which is best and what took for?
So adding a fruit concentrate AFTER stabilizing with pot. sorbate & meta is kind of like flavoring and backsweetening at the same time? Can I stabilize and add the concentrate at the same time?
Should I add it now before the wine fully clears?
Yes it is like flavoring and backsweetening at the same time. Yes you can stabilize and add concentrate at the same time. I have backsweetened before my wine was completely clear but to be honest I prefer to wait until it is clear before backsweetening.
Boxer? Good looking pup.
I picked up 4 cans of frozen Old Orchard Berry Blend conc. - about the same mix as the DB fruit, and some cans of frozen white grape juice conc. - recommended by my local wine supply store to add more body.

I think I'll rack it this weekend, stabilize it & add the thawed conc. juice starting with the berry blend. Then test the ph & TA. It was rather acidic yesterday (3.11 & TA of .75%). I added a 1/2 t of cal. carbonate to 1 gal of wine and it raised the ph to 3.45 & got rid of a lot of the acid taste. If it's still acidic post sweetening - then I'll add the cal. carbonate and test again in 24hrs. Then I'll let it sit and wait to clarify.

1 last Q - I usually clarify BEFORE stabilizing or backsweetening. Assuming it doesn't clear on it's own - Is it OK to use Sparkoloid or Super-Clear AFTER stabilizing and adding the juice?
Once you are done fermenting, taste and if needed then add some more cherry flavor and or sugar. Be sure to stabilized before doing this
Boxer? Good looking pup.
I picked up 4 cans of frozen Old Orchard Berry Blend conc. - about the same mix as the DB fruit, and some cans of frozen white grape juice conc. - recommended by my local wine supply store to add more body.

I think I'll rack it this weekend, stabilize it & add the thawed conc. juice starting with the berry blend. Then test the ph & TA. It was rather acidic yesterday (3.11 & TA of .75%). I added a 1/2 t of cal. carbonate to 1 gal of wine and it raised the ph to 3.45 & got rid of a lot of the acid taste. If it's still acidic post sweetening - then I'll add the cal. carbonate and test again in 24hrs. Then I'll let it sit and wait to clarify.

1 last Q - I usually clarify BEFORE stabilizing or backsweetening. Assuming it doesn't clear on it's own - Is it OK to use Sparkoloid or Super-Clear AFTER stabilizing and adding the juice?
Thanks wildhair. I am new to this so am just trying to figure out the best way to add flavor. I had read to add apple cherry concentrate to cherry wine to give it good flavor but wasn't sure. Guess I was afraid the concentrate would cloud up my cleared I said this is all new to me. I have my first batches ready to rack, stabilize, and bottle.
Thanks wildhair. I am new to this so am just trying to figure out the best way to add flavor. I had read to add apple cherry concentrate to cherry wine to give it good flavor but wasn't sure. Guess I was afraid the concentrate would cloud up my cleared I said this is all new to me. I have my first batches ready to rack, stabilize, and bottle.

This is only my 2nd year at this & I've never had to add flavoring to any of my wines. So this is new to me as well! I'm glad you asked the Q - this old dog learned something new, too. My wine hasn't cleared yet, but I wondered how adding juice post-ferment would affect it, too. So Thanks, Julie - at least I have a plan now. I may end up with 10 gallons of Dragon's Blood by the time I get finished! LOL
So here's what I did & it seemed to help -
I racked if off the lees - 7 gallons worth - into my primary.
I added 4 cans of Old Orchard Berry Blend juice concentrate and 2 can of Welches White Grape concentrate. That boosted the flavor.
I added a bit more simple syrup - also helped with flavor and overall taste. Much better body and flavor now.
I tested the TA and ph - came in acidic at .75% and 2.88 ph, so I added 4 t (slightly more than 1/2 t per gallon) of calcium carbonate. (I added it to a cup of wine first, then poured it in & mixed). ph now 3.56 - much smoother & less acidic.
I stabilized with pot. sorbate and metabisuphite - then I racked it back into my 6 gal carboy and a 5 L container - put in the airlock.

Now I wait. In a few weeks, I think I'll get a 5 gal carboy, rack that full, then add some clarifying agent to the remaining few gallons and see how it clears. And tastes.
Wildhair, you have stolen Sue's post.
Sue. you can order cherry concentrate or cherry flavoring(4 oz.) from any of several suppliers. Amazon, Learntobrew, Midwest, just to name a few. There are several posts addressing backsweetening. Most will recommend 4 oz of cherry flavoring before bottling. I add the flavoring and stir. let it set for a day before bottling. I seldom sweeten as I like a dry wine.That is just the way I do it. There are other opinions, I'm sure.
Sorry - did I breach forum etiquette? :oops: I thought the post was about adding flavorings - something I also had a Q about . Sue just beat me to posting the original Q.
Apologies Sue. Now I feel bad. But my DB is I feel less bad.

Senior Donatelo - Can i ask a related Q on flavoring or should I start a new thread? ;)
Is there a good fruit concentrate to use....I hear of different options but am not sure which is best and what took for?

The Vintners Harvest products are good, but you have to use more than the directions on the cans - probably 1.5x to 2x as much - to get a really full flavor. I did a 3-gallon batch earlier this year with the items shown in the photo (big can of cherry wine base, can of tart cherry puree, and (2) 64-oz. bottles of tart cherry juice from Costco), and as it went into bulk aging it tasted like it was going to be pretty flavorful.

You also might want to check your acid levels to see if they're in the mid 3.x range. If the pH is higher than that, it's possible that adjusting it could move the overall flavor profile in a positive direction.
Sorry - did I breach forum etiquette? :oops: I thought the post was about adding flavorings - something I also had a Q about . Sue just beat me to posting the original Q.
Apologies Sue. Now I feel bad. But my DB is I feel less bad.

Senior Donatelo - Can i ask a related Q on flavoring or should I start a new thread? ;)
Don't feel bad....the more questions, the more answers....I will take alkyl the help I can get wildhair:)
Wildhair, you have stolen Sue's post.
Sue. you can order cherry concentrate or cherry flavoring(4 oz.) from any of several suppliers. Amazon, Learntobrew, Midwest, just to name a few. There are several posts addressing backsweetening. Most will recommend 4 oz of cherry flavoring before bottling. I add the flavoring and stir. let it set for a day before bottling. I seldom sweeten as I like a dry wine.That is just the way I do it. There are other opinions, I'm sure.
Thanks, was at midwest this weekend and grabbed the cherry flavoring, maybe won't need it but want it on hand.