Apple Wine Secondary Suggestions

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Dec 27, 2012
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Ok looking for some suggestions.I started 5 gallons of apple wine by using 5.5 gallons of wal marts great value apple juice(ascorbic acid only)and enough sugar to get a starting sg of 1.090. I used cote de blanc yeast (my fav for fruit) and of course yeast energizer and nutrient.At 1.010 i racked to secondary . I still have a little ferment going thru the airlock and i am thinking i would like to try some cinnamon and/or a couple vanilla beans in the secondary after it quits fermenting. So advice please anyone ever use a cinnamon stick and or vanilla beans in their secondary ????? If so for how long? Thanks for the responses DAVE
Hey Dave,
I've done vanilla beans (2/gallon) for several weeks. I've also done a cinnamon stick (1/gal) with other spices, again about 3-4 weeks. Definitely check every week or two to make sure the spices aren't getting too strong. Everyone has different tastes.

Something else fun is to get some caramel flavoured syrup (think Starbucks), and put that and the vanilla beans into a gallon - caramel apple wine!