An important reminder

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Feb 9, 2010
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Not matter who you are for or what your political affiliations are, just remember one thing. If you do not vote, you have no right to complain!

So, get out there and exercise that right which so many have given their lives for. Be a REAL American and VOTE!

My brother and I are 10 years apart in age and a century apart in political views and yet we have a very strong love and respect for each other, we also have the love of humor in common which helps. As I got ready to send off my ballot last week I threw on this post-it note, snapped a picture and sent it up to him in Northern California. I was tickled to see it show up on his Facebook page with a note laughing about how we're constantly counter acting each others vote.
He, by the way, has a degree in Political Science so his views must be the correct views...... right??


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Not matter who you are for or what your political affiliations are, just remember one thing. If you do not vote, you have no right to complain!

So, get out there and exercise that right which so many have given their lives for. Be a REAL American and VOTE!


You've got that exactly backwards. If you vote, you're to blame for whatever that public official does while in office. George Carlin had it figured out: