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Senior Member
Sep 13, 2007
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I racked my Amarone yesterday, as Smurfe would say, "stirred the snot" out of it, added the last ingredients, stirred some more. said you could top off with a "fining" wine?? I took that as another wine. I had a bottle of Amarone that my neighbor gave me that was aging in a bottle........put all of that in.
Had a third of a bottle of Cab/Shiraz.....put that in.

Please tell me I didn't mess up this amarone!!!
You will be fine, as long as you used good sound wine, you will be OK.....The different kind of wine in that small of volume will not have an effect on the larger volume of Amarone....You seem to be really getting into this wine making....THAT'S GREAT..
Bert, lol, the "good sound wine" part is what is worrying me. The amarone that my neighbor gave me has only been in the bottle over a month. Is that "sound" enough?

Hopefully I am worrying over nothing because I really want this one to be great.

I love this hobby. I hope to get reasonably good at it. haha
If your neighbor's wine was in the bottle a month- that's longer than your Amarone! Like Bert said it will be fine. How much wine did you lose with the batch? I only had to add one bottle to mine I made recently. When you rack your wine if you get some liquid with some lees in it, keep that in a wine bottle with airlock on and let it settle out. You can gain back a fair amount of wine by doing that.
A question that may be ignorance or inexperience on my part---isn't that a lot of liquid to have to add after racking? I normally do not have to add nearly that much.
Depends. Depends on how tight your sediment is, how much you syphon from 1 carboy to the next, how much bigger your 2nd carboy is in comparision to the first one...
Gee, I hope not. When I topped up my Chianti, I had to add almost 2 bottles.
I had to add 2 bottles. I have not mastered the art of getting the wine over to the carboy without the lees. I tip the carboy to get as much as I can but there is alot left it seems.
This part of the transfer carboy to carboy I seem to lose a fair bit of wine.
Does George sell an airlock for bottles? That would probably save wine and help me alot.
George sells #2 and #3 stoppers for the wine bottles. Either will fit. I use a #3 and it gives a nice snug fit. A regular airlocl goes on top. I prefer the S shaped ones because they show any activity and I feel I can see the water level better. I take a funnel after racking, put it in the bottle and pour out the liquid carefully. I generally use a 1.5 liter the first time and after settling you can pur out an extra half to full bottle of wine to top up with.
Air locks fit any bottle as long as you have the right size bung. George has a good variety. And the great thing about them is they're not expensive!