Adding body

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Jun 25, 2012
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I have a honeysuckle wine that is a little sour and lacks body. I'm back sweetening with sugar right now but I wanted to add body. I've read about using raisins and bananas to add body and also glycerin.

Any suggestions on what to use?

I have already used sorbate and k-meta and am in the process of back sweetening. I don't want to affect the flavor too much as it is a very delicate flavor.

The flavor is subtle then. I just want a better mouthfeel. It is kinda thin right now.
Raisins and bananas are usually added prior to fermentation, for their effects but you could still add some glycerin just be aware that it has its own sweetness that it lends to a wine..

You could try some "aging" or "cellaring" tannins... They'd alter the flavor right now, but it'd eventually creep back out with some age, and should have more body & structure later on down the road.. You'd just want to be careful with them ( i dont have enough experience with them for recommendations) if your flavor is really that subtle
I agree with D. Glycerin is a way to add body but it will sweeten in the process. 1-2 oz. per gallon is a ballpark amount.
You could also add some corn syrup, like the glycerin it will sweetened the wine more.