Acid / ph testing

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Feb 2, 2011
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I pretty much follow the instructions / receipes from my wine books. I always take a s.g. reading before and after fermentation. Question; is it really necessary to take a acid / ph reading when following a receipe or only if i deviate (get creative ) from the instructions? Got a few grape / fruit wines brewing and racking, nothing bottled yet.
If your making up your own must from concentrates or fruit of some sort and it doesn't taste quite right in the end pH and TA will be invaluable information to have for the next time around.

Welcome to the WineMaking Talk Forums!
I pretty much follow the instructions / receipes from my wine books. I always take a s.g. reading before and after fermentation. Question; is it really necessary to take a acid / ph reading when following a receipe or only if i deviate (get creative ) from the instructions? Got a few grape / fruit wines brewing and racking, nothing bottled yet.
As above I agree. If making fruit wines yes test every time as the fruit will change.
Thanks Mike, most of the receipes I have done, does include adding acid blend so I think i may be ok but dont want to find out 6,9 months from now. Starting to get a little brave so may be purchasing a acid / ph kit.
If you adjust the acid AFTER fermentation and stabilization are finished, be careful about adjusting with an acid blend, since some of the blend is either sugar or MLF fermentable. In which case, you could restart one or the other type of fermentation. Depending on your recipe of course, think about using just tartaric acid for such late adjustment.
I too am making a kit wine and will be starting to make wines from recipes. I just purchased a ph test kit, do I need to buy a acid test kit too? I think I read somewhere that ph and acidity are linked together. I know you don't want to adjust it too far in order to not make the wine a chalky tasting. What should I do?

Thanks for all the info , I did search and found lots more info on this forum. Will be definitely be buying ph / acid test equipment. joe