RJ Spagnols ABV help on Toasted Carmel port

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Senior Member
Oct 30, 2011
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RJ Spagnols kit
I am having trouble calculating the ABV.

OG was 1.120
fermented to .994
Added f-pack SG was 1.020
Now 7 weeks later the SG is 1.040

So how does one calculate the SG?

Also I am curious as to why the SG went from 1.020 to 1.040?

This is going to be ONE of our very favorites! It smells and tastes so good at 7 weeks. This was promoted as a 6 week kit!

We are going to bottle in 375's in a few days.
After you added the F-pack it was 1.020, then it bumped up by itself with no further additions? *scratches head*
I know Polar Hug! The only thing I can think of was maybe we did not stir enough? I was fairly certain we did though.
After you added the F-pack it was 1.020, then it bumped up by itself with no further additions? *scratches head*

Either the temps are different at the two readings, or it took some time before the sugar saturated the wine as a whole.
RJ Spagnols kit
I am having trouble calculating the ABV.

OG was 1.120
fermented to .994
Added f-pack SG was 1.020
Now 7 weeks later the SG is 1.040We are going to bottle in 375's in a few days.

Was sorbate added while at .994. I think most of the port kits have you to add the sorbate when fermentation is complete. If so adding the fpac will not change the ABV except the small amount of dilution the fpac causes.

Going from 1.120 to .994 should yield about 17% abv and with the sorbate added that is where it should stay.

Can't answer why the SG went up except as mentioned earlier it might be a temp difference or saturation.
Sorbate and k-meta were added as per the kit directions and were supplied with the kit.
Sorbate and k-meta were added as per the kit directions and were supplied with the kit.

That's what I thought, none of the Fpac should ferment so the SG at this point is irrelevant as far as abv is concerned.
Ditto what Thig is saying. ABV would be at about 17% at this point. Apart from that, sounds like your wine is already messing with your mind even before you drink it.